Example sentences of "but [subord] it was [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In his own words he was seeking to get immigration control on a basis where it was firm but where it was administered with some degree of compassion for the individual case ’ .
2 But once it was asked , his whole character and political stance gave him little alternative but to say ‘ yes ’ .
3 But once it was understood that Europeans might hope to reach the fabled East by travelling West , then explorers could reasonably hope that before very long they would have mapped the whole surface of the globe .
4 Much work was needed to prepare enough radium to treat patients , but once it was made , it was a more convenient source of radiation than the apparatus , extremely primitive by modern standards , which produced X-rays from electric discharges .
5 Not only that , but once it was established that their corporal had an interest in me , every movement I made , almost every breath I drew , was reported back to him , including a very innocent ride I had one evening round the perimeter track in a jeep driven by one of the Flying Control Officers .
6 But if it was intended that Jesus survive the Cross , or never perhaps be crucified at all , one can not help wondering whether Judas was privy to the plan .
7 It probably was n't economic in the very small town you know probably you know I do n't , I do n't remember people keeping pigs but if it was collected it probably was collected by the bin at the back door .
8 But if it was lost we could still claim ?
9 ‘ Well ma'am , there 's some scraps of food left over and … it 's bold of me to say so … but if it was going to be wasted I know my cousins would feel the benefit .
10 But if it was gon na be a hung parliament you wo n't even know this time tomorrow .
11 Cnut 's absence had obviously seen unrest in the area , but unless it was connected with the return of the ætheling Eadwig ( date unknown , see above ) its nature is obscure .
12 Felt broke up in 1989 , not because of the usual tired catalogue of ‘ musical differences ’ or drug problems , but because it was written in the stars that they would break up .
13 It took three minutes to erect the inner tent on its first outing but because it was raining constantly , the inner was a little wet before I had a chance to put the flysheet over .
14 It was then that I went to school for the first time , to a Roman Catholic convent in Ealing , not because of my parents ' religious beliefs but because it was thought to be educationally superior to any of the state-run schools in the locality .
15 Boy loved this letter not only because the man it had been sent to shared his new name , but because it was addressed by an older man to a lovelier , younger one .
16 But since it was established in 1775 to serve as a printer to Edinburgh 's legal , banking and ecclesiastical communities P&W has developed a strong position in financial printing , providing it with a coverage that goes much wider than ‘ Sketch and describe an electronic circuit . ’
17 But since it was published she and Rushdie have split , amid all too public accusations from Ms Wiggins that her former husband was crazed with vanity and insincere about his ‘ conversion ’ to Islam .
18 It is a grade two listed building , but before it was listed , an extension was added to the back , which houses the kitchen , a further bedroom , bath-room and a garage .
19 But before it was consumed entirely , it lifted off and shot up towards the painstyled plaster of the ceiling .
20 Editors still had to submit their material for inspection ( after it had been printed , but before it was distributed ) ; they could be penalized both by indictment in the courts and by direct action on the part of the Minister of Internal Affairs ; and they had to lodge monetary bonds with the authorities to facilitate the payment of fines if the government moved against them .
21 In the Vedic period the abstract idea of time was regarded as the fundamental principle of the universe , but whether it was made into a deity is uncertain .
22 She could n't stop shivering , but whether it was caused by cold or the strain of waiting until fitzAlan won free of the castle she did n't know .
23 This controversial book was widely discussed but whether it was read by artists I leave to further research .
24 She put up her hand but whether it was to catch hold of the reins or to protect herself I do not know .
25 Galloway was actively involved in the management of the business while it was expanding rapidly , but after it was formed into a limited company under the name of Galloway Ltd. in 1889 it was Charles John , the chairman and managing director , who effectively held the reins .
26 He stared wildly up at her cage roof but though it was buckled by the fall of the tree branch it was still intact and she could not escape .
27 It did for a time seem to explain the trajectories of development and underdevelopment in some countries of Latin America , but when it was applied to Africa and Asia it was much less successful .
28 He might put down until kingdom come the dully literal truth of the way she talked , but when it was written out it was clearly not credible , except maybe as the English of Nkrumah , or of an Eskimo who had studied the language by gramophone record .
29 After 8 April the aluminium returned to tapwater when a mains burst : sludge was found at the bottom of a glass of water but when it was sent to the authority for analysis it was discarded as ‘ too sludgy ’ .
30 But when it was rammed down their throats it became a battle , and the manager lost .
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