Example sentences of "but [det] [n mass] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There was a point when I wondered if someone was having me on , but few people even knew I had written in .
2 He was scholarly , shrewd and literate ; but few people entirely trusted the ends to which that scholarship and shrewdness were applied .
3 ‘ It is a particular shame for Neil because there were far worse things going on in the game but some people only want to see the dark side of him .
4 But some people still thought that actors were dangerous , wicked people .
5 She was helped into the gardens of paradise by a number 33 bus , which had reversed over her while trying to execute a three-point turn outside the Polka Theatre , but some people still claimed that her death was , in part anyway , due to a broken heart .
6 This may sound like standard Sunday Sport fare , but some people sincerely believe it , and more than you 'd think — the UFO business can be very big business indeed
7 But this mink sometimes took as long as two hours to catch one .
8 ‘ Yes , but these people still have links with Germany , do n't you see ?
9 Some had pillows and blankets but many people just wrapped themselves in their outdoor cloaks .
10 In many countries , regular servings of beer , wine and spirits contain roughly the same amount of alcohol — but many people still believe that a measure of spirits contains more alcohol than a glass of beer .
11 But many people only laughed at these stories .
12 But those statistics alone do n't tell the full story , for throughout the match he totally out played his opposite number Stuart Barnes and literally never put a foot wrong .
13 Some people smile when they go past and there 's this woman with a couple of kids over the other side from me , but most people just walk past like they ai n't interested .
14 But most people just got a headache .
15 Standard Apaches came with a vacuum pump on the right engine and an hydraulic one on the left but most people also bought a vacuum pump for the left engine as an insurance against loss of instruments .
16 But most people duly come surely make an appointment ?
17 But most people never visit the actual kennels , buying their puppy in a pet shop , often on impulse ; the original doggy in the window .
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