Example sentences of "but [modal v] [adv] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But in other cases , an application for a declaration or injunction may be made under Order 53 but may alternatively be made by way of an action begun by writ or originating summons .
2 Such changes may receive support from cabinet ministers and senior civil servants , but may also be accepted not from conviction but from necessity ; nominal support is essential to ensure finance for a minimum quantity of imports .
3 The law in this area is not confined to contractual relationships , but may also be based ‘ on the broad principle of equity that he who has received information in confidence shall not take unfair advantage of it . ’
4 They also offer relatively modest time allocations for practical and prevocational subjects in upper primary classes , a feature which may reflect a lack of real conviction by syllabus panels to respond to the political creed that such studies are necessary and profitable for primary level children , but may also be born of a firm realistic assessment of the lack of money and materials to make such studies workable .
5 The materials may be part of a formal presentation by a teacher , or series of teachers ; but may also be made into individualized or self-instructional form , for instance a project booklet with all relevant " starter " material including basic data , examples for further study , assignments or suggested activities , and a booklist .
6 It is usually served well chilled , but may also be eaten warm .
7 A settlement may be arrived at more usually before proceedings have begun , but may also be arrived at after proceedings have begun .
8 What an international perspective can add is a sense of the contradictions or points of stress in the new structures : the attempt to shift the whole system by floods of detailed description and prescription and the consequent overloading of channels of communication ; the preoccupation with assessment to the point where it may overwhelm the teaching ; the ambivalent character of statutory syllabuses as being at once central regulation and individual entitlement ; the potentially disruptive and anomalous role of governing bodies which may act simply as local guardians of centrally determined norms , but may also be educated to accept more subtle and flexible views of what schools can and should do , and may develop the political clout to do something about it .
9 Extrawurst or Fleischwurst is another lightly smoked sausage for eating cold but may also be poached or grilled .
10 Third-person pronouns typically refer back ( or forward ) to a nominal expression in the text but may also be used to refer to an entity which is present in the immediate physical or mental context of situation .
11 Third , conjunctive relations do not just reflect relations between external phenomena , but may also be set up to reflect relations which are internal to the text or communicative situation .
12 Persian and Russian items are normally referred to as Bokharas , but may equally be marketed under the name of their gul or weaving tribe .
13 A listing of these units is given in Soldier magazine of 16 November 1990 , accurate up to that date , but may well be outdated by now .
14 The new line includes a 90 to 180 MIPS top-of-the-line server model , the 7840/7842 ; a desktop server entry-level model the DS server 7120 ; and a laptop workstation with a high-resolution thin-film transistor screen , the DS station 7120 , which does not come from ICL but may well be offered by the UK company in future .
15 The scheme is only operational in England but may eventually be extended to Scotland and Wales .
16 These positive responses are desirable and would indeed change the nature of the family and would be in the best interests of the black child and his or her parents , but may not be seen in this light by the white family .
17 A successor is being head-hunted but may not be appointed until well into the new year .
18 The following will also be displayed but may not be changed :
19 But this overlooks two points : first , that the transsexual is living proof that , in actuality , the psyche may operate in defiance of biological truths regardless of what the law says it should do ; second , that the psyche is not necessarily formed by choice , but may instead be determined for the individual by forces operating on him during its development .
20 This cohesive device is a type of " substition by zero " , where one or more items may be deleted but may still be inferred from the linguistic context .
21 For example , most farmers are self-employed , many farmers now work part-time in other occupations but may still be classified as self-employed farmers , farmers ' wives often work for them as partners , professional people may often work from home preferring a rural to an urban base , and large estates still employ a number of private domestic staff .
22 Even within a GP practice , it is likely that doctors will wish to use different hospitals and consultants , but may now be constrained from doing so .
23 ( 3 ) A requirement under this section to provide a specimen of blood or urine can only be made at a police station or at a hospital ; and it can not be made at a police station unless — ( a ) the constable making the requirement has reasonable cause to believe that for medical reasons a specimen of breath can not be provided or should not be required , or ( b ) at the time the requirement is made a device or a reliable device of the type mentioned in subsection ( 1 ) ( a ) above is not available at the police station or it is then for any other reason not practicable to use such a device there , or ( c ) the suspected offence is one under section 4 of this Act and the constable making the requirement has been advised by a medical practitioner that the condition of the person required to provide the specimen might be due to some drug ; but may then be made notwithstanding that the person required to provide the specimen has already provided or been required to provide two specimens of breath .
24 She will begin in a single room , where both her health and aptitude for prison life will be assessed , but may then be moved to a dormitory .
25 Thus output might be altered by a technological breakthrough , or by changes in the structure of taxation which affected the choice between work and leisure , or by changes in other real variables , but should not be affected by a change in nominal spending : such changes should affect the price at which the available output is sold and not the quantity of output itself .
26 Some of the ideas which I discuss are currently rated ‘ improbable ’ , but should not be dismissed for that reason alone : their supporters may be in a minority , but that minority is often a very distinguished one .
27 committee did draw distinction between the two different kinds of schemes , erm perhaps if I could just ask you what do you think of the committee the Good reports er conclusion on training for trustees where they er the recommendation was that it was a laudable objective , but should not be made compulsory ?
28 Her assumptions are broadly Crocean ; value appeared in the individual 's response to the particular work , but should not be erected into hierarchies , and the reader should cultivate ‘ the receptiveness and disinterestedness which are the conditions of aesthetic experience . ’
29 In this sense the very high ‘ yes ’ votes he achieved in the four presidential elections since independence have been genuine , but should not be mistaken for support for specific policies , and still less for support for other leaders at either the local or national level .
30 Protective equipment and clothing — including gloves , gowns , faceshields or goggles , and boots — are an important means of safeguarding those at risk from hepatitis B and other blood-borne pathogens but should not be relied upon as the sole means of protection .
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