Example sentences of "but [conj] one [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But since one of the prerequisites of clean diesel engines is top quality fuel , the differences in the refining process are considerably narrowed .
2 However , for the purposes of the current research the important point is not necessarily whether RHT is correct but whether one of the main propositions underlying it is correct .
3 But when one of the little blue aliens made some John Travolta-style dance moves , indulged in a comic face-pulling session with Walken , then gave him five , that 's when the film lost them .
4 This may not seem too controversial , but when one of the team leaders is an ex-alcoholic it requires tremendous openness to God to go down a risky and unexpected route !
5 But when one of the squad emerged from the shop with the remains of the rucksack , and told police that he was unhappy about the cause of the fire , a full scale evacuation of the city centre was started in case it proved to be an incendiary device and in case others had been planted .
6 Above all , it is essential to regard her not as sui generis , but as one of a line of Scottish monarchs .
7 But then Mr. Stott added patronisingly : ‘ But as one of the Labour Party 's Shadow Northern Ireland Team , I would like to put the opposite view . ’
8 the independent film movement aims to understand the cinema not as a profit-making machine confined to the realm of ‘ mass entertainment , but as one of the central means whereby a society consciously speaks to and thus understands itself …
9 There are two dressers in there , but as one of the splinters is in the thigh , you 'll have to get it out .
10 It is hard to estimate the effect of Parliament on the other sectors of British government , though its role is best understood by regarding it not primarily as a check on the executive but as one of the institutions through which the government operates .
11 Two graver pieces without such refrains are entitled ‘ sonata ’ and one of them , the Sonata pian' e forte , in which cornetto and three trombones alternate and combine with violino and three trombones , has become famous not only for its grave beauty but as one of the earliest printed instrumental compositions with dynamic markings .
12 The actual status of Ham Hill is uncertain , but as one of the largest hillforts in the region it was probably occupied on the eve of the conquest , much like its counterpart at South Cadbury to the east .
13 But as one of the detective-constables clicked a pair of handcuffs round his wrists , Cedric Downes was apparently in no state at all to mouth as much as a monosyllable , let alone give utterance to any incriminating statement .
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