Example sentences of "but [adv] she [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 erm but luckily she 's rubbed it out with thingy so
2 Sally had agonised over what to wear — she was so afraid of letting Paula down — but eventually she had settled on a neat shirt-waister blouse and pencil skirt and Paula had loaned her a poplin duster coat in duck-egg blue with a thick soft grey Lucca Lamb collar .
3 She had always been quite dependent on Keith , which was why he got away with such a lot , but eventually she has grown more confident , and believes that she can now make it on her own .
4 But perhaps she had seen others at the tree tops , for she clattered her talons violently on the top of her cage , crashed down on to its concrete floor , her wings smashing against the branch that projected across her cage , and then lunged forward at the door of her cage , driven by an impulse that spoke of a terrible longing to be free .
5 His absence had n't prevented her thinking about him , but perhaps she had allowed herself to believe that it would continue indefinitely , hence her shock at seeing him now and the panicky sensation of a shadow falling over her once more , its darkness an almost tangible threat .
6 She had been one of them once , but suddenly she had gone a long way away .
7 He might be a roaring flirt of the first water , but already she had formed a solid impression that , whatever else Lubor Ondrus might be , he was most loyal to his employer .
8 It was n't many months ago that she had been offended by his exploring fingers , but tonight she had given her breast to his hand as if to a baby .
9 She had been angry at first , then disbelieving , but finally she had gone to the aerodrome to see the padre , begging him for news of Rob .
10 But somehow she has managed to remain cool and calm .
11 Often in the past he had tried to keep her in bed in the morning , but always she had pushed off his sleep-drugged advances with a brusque reminder that she had work to do , stubbornly shutting her mind to the tenderness of a few hours before .
12 She got , she only won ten thousand , but like I mean , not ten thousand , yeah ten thousand , yeah ten thousand but like she 's got a lot of money anyway like .
13 There was no pressure on her to help him , but still she 'd agreed to get together as much information on Jenner as she could over the weekend .
14 She had broken the law unwittingly , but still she had broken it , and if Jake was really determined he could make her pay for it .
15 Julia had been free of pain for many months , but still she had grown weaker .
16 We do not know at what date Matilda had gone to Wilton , but probably she had come from Scotland as a young girl with her aunt Christina in 1086 to be educated at Wilton .
17 Lynn Carter had put in her time down there on the sexual shop floor — there were two teenage sons to prove it — but now she 'd taken early retirement .
18 This girl was too used to getting her own way , but now she had stepped over an invisible line and she did n't even know it .
19 But now she had gone to sleep , or into a coma , I was n't sure which .
20 But now she felt cocooned in her own private shell of misery , as cut off from the noise and activity around her as if she were frozen in ice .
21 But now she 's gone on holiday for a whole month and so we do n't have a drier .
22 But now she 's left and she 's had a baby and I carried on because he wanted it , the the new landlord wanted me to stop on and help out .
23 All right , nine was a little young for her first sexual encounter , but now she 's come to like it she 's become such a friendly child .
24 But now she has gone beyond that .
25 " But now she has gone to live in the banqueting hall where she will be able to use her … "
26 Link correspondent has reported many employees ' weddings in the past , but now she has become a bride herself .
27 But now she has left me
28 But today she had felt old wounds being ripped open .
29 But today she had come to a decision , she would tell Craig Grenfell to leave her house , his presence was beginning to disturb her , disrupt her life .
30 But surely she 'd locked it ?
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