Example sentences of "but [conj] [pron] could be " in BNC.

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1 It states that not using a lawyer would save you money initially but that it could be a false economy , particularly if your case goes to the High Court , where your opponent will almost certainly have a solicitor and a barrister .
2 Results from a family study combining linkage and segregation analyses have indicated that the ACE/ID polymorphism is unlikely to be the locus directly affecting the variability of plasma ACE , but that it could be a marker in strong linkage disequilibrium with this locus .
3 Recent reconnaissance has emphasized that this source was not merely remote from the centres which it served , but that it could be operated only under conditions of some rigour .
4 I had long believed that the primary health care team did not really work but that it could be made to do so by adhering to contracts .
5 But although it could be seen as the fashion of protest — ‘ what could be more defiant at a time of recession and social decay than seemingly lavish , luxurious clothes ? ’
6 We may well not choose to , but if we could be cool , calm and collected and stand back objectively , we might just find that in some conflict situations , to our surprise we may be the unwitting agent provocateur .
7 But if there could be no pas de deux , perhaps there could be a ménage à trois .
8 But if there could be one flower to every four children you could manage with ten or a dozen flowers .
9 Er , it 's not in my nature to be authoritarian with my students but if I could be authoritarian I would say look , you 're not allowed to use that word , and if you do you 've got ta pay a pound .
10 Like everyone else he blamed the former chairman , who 's best not named ( but if he could be he 'd be called Alan Bowes . )
11 Yeah but if you could be doing other things , like phoning
12 But if it could be said that he did have a weakness for something , it was for Ireland and the Irish .
13 Of course , it is possible to imagine evil-minded dictators abusing it to produce nightmares , but if it could be used to enhance our resistance to disease , or the survival of humanity depended on it , then it would be time to think again .
14 The insurance valuation of the contents was probably lower than it should be in these days of rising prices , but if it could be taken as a guide and the amount split in two it might be regarded as fair .
15 The tropical research should be supported not just because Britain now has a large immigrant population from tropical regions , but because it could be one of the country 's most significant and meaningful contributions to the Third World .
16 She had headed for Heathrow airport , not to fly anywhere but because she could be warm and alone .
17 This contained a variety of animals — fowl and sixty-three unspecified small birds — but before it could be served the platform supporting it gave way and the pie slipped to the ground .
18 A hot denial rose to Lucy 's lips , but before it could be uttered Silas and Matt entered the kitchen to collect the hampers .
19 In that instant it came to Ruth that he did know her ; but before she could be sure his hands left her shoulders and he went leaping round the side of the hummock , his long coat flapping , straight towards the spear men .
20 Because of the Farm 's history , they used the occasion to mount a show of force , and to do so at 5pm , when children playing on the estate would be terrified by the raid , but when they could be sure of a good spot on the Six O'Clock News .
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