Example sentences of "but [conj] [pron] is [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although more people are aware of the term ‘ Euthanasia ’ and what this entails , general attitudes about death and its meaning are at best still ambivalent as is the case also in America , but where there is evidence since the 1960s of a burgeoning of courses in schools , colleges and some universities .
2 But where there is life , there is hope .
3 But where there is resistance to change and unwillingness to mend the troubled relationship on behalf of just one partner , understandably the chances of improvement are meagre , and final breakdown , if not inevitable , is certainly threatened .
4 But where there is martyrdom , there is right to secession .
5 But where there is energy there is life , so it is unlikely that you will be jobless or unsuccessful for long .
6 Warnie said that there was room only for a clear cut division of opinion — if one is a Catholic , the aumbry contains Our Lord and of course even prostration is hardly reverence enough : but if one is Church of England , it contains but a wafer and a little wine , and why in front of that should one show any greater reverence than in any other part of the church ? …
7 But if there is hope , it lies in the imagination and faith of latter day prophets like this author .
8 But if it is work in which we can join , the question needs to be asked : will we respond decisively ?
9 But if it is quality and exclusive , sport still has a place on ITV . ’
10 Government money is needed to educate young people about the dangers of alcohol , but unless there is back-up in the family , such a campaign is unlikely to succeed .
11 Nao Naomi realizes there 's no point talking about it now , the dye has been cast the decision has been made , the commitment has been entered into , whatever the cost she was going gods way , there was nothing more to be said about it we find that a de a decision made before god and we all make those decisions , means nothing at all unless were determined to carry it through , whatever the cost may be , three women here make their decisions before god , they make their choices , Naomi she chooses to return to Judah once again and enjoy the inheritance god has given her , Auper she chooses to return to her own country and her own god , as far as were concerned that 's the end of the story , but Ruth she chooses , she expresses her faith in the one true god , she turns her back on the old ways and decides to follow gods way , no matter what the cost , she would of said with Joshua , but as for me and my husband were gon na serve god , whatever the cost , I du n no what 'll be and she did n't know what she was letting herself in for , and the , I counted it , although I do n't know what it is , I counted that cost , I 'm willing to pay it and Jesus said that that is the acid test of disciples , said to count the cost and weigh it up and Ruth had done that , then to make their decision and because if we make a decision without counting the cost , without weighing it all up , like Auper you 'll go back , it wo n't last , there is that choice for every one of us day by day , who will we serve , not to be like Joshua , its for us , never for any body else , I will serve the lord because and this is the reason for it , not because you 've done nice things for me , I will be your saviour because he is god , that 's the reason for our serving god , not because he blesses us because he blesses people who do n't serve him , blessing is not exclusive to gods people , blessing , god blesses across the board , god is generous he 's gracious , he causes the rain and the sun to shine on the just and on the unjust , blessing is not the ground for serving god , but because he is god that 's sufficient reason for our committing ourselves to him .
12 But because it is part of the school ethos ( for teachers and pupils alike ) that it is embarrassing to show that you have been hurt , people remain mostly unaware of the pain that these mundane disparagements cause .
13 The men and women in the national health service go into our hospitals and work exceedingly hard , not necessarily by choice , but because it is part of the work that they undertake to do .
14 But since it is part of my intention to suggest how and why the work of Joyce provokes exceptional division among its readers , I shall , for that reason and for others which will emerge , keep the notion of screen in front of you .
15 But while there is evidence that young children can be bored or confused by doing work too advanced for them , as well as frightened by bigger children in the toilets or playground , there is no evidence that early teaching of the three Rs leads to top marks and academic success for the child later on .
16 But while there is agreement on the benefits of this approach , there is not much information on implementing such a policy .
17 The concentrations are very variable , but though there is evidence of their being at higher levels near cities and urban areas , there is no necessary connection with waste-disposal sites .
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