Example sentences of "but [adv] it is [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 At first , teachers will have to go through these stages quite carefully with the children , but eventually it is hoped that the children will become independent enough to use the system , or one like it , by themselves .
2 One of them is enclosed in the letters written by the same ship , another bill is sent overland to the factor or party to whom the goods are consigned , the third remaineth with the merchant , for his testimony against the master , if there were any occasion for loose dealing ; but especially it is kept for to serve in case of loss , to recover the value of the goods of the assurors that have undertaken to bear the adventure with you .
3 CFCs are a fraction of the emissions of carbon dioxide but nevertheless it is estimated that , unless the Montreal Protocol is strengthened , CFCs will account for 13 per cent of global warming by 2030 .
4 Every immigrant family carries this sense of pain somewhere in its psyche , but often it is left to the women to hold the sense of pain and loss while the husbands and children find their way in the new world .
5 At one time only a few selected diseases were thought to have links with the sufferer 's state of mind , but now it is recognized that a whole range — from cancer to heart attack — may be brought on by worry and strain .
6 White never used to be a predominant Goshiki colour , but now it is realised that a snow-white base admirably sets off the other shades .
7 But now it is called the Isle of Fincara ; for we were not left to live there long in peace .
8 But now it is ended .
9 But now it is understood that annual sales have slipped to only about $30m — and accumulated losses at the subsidiary are put at as much as $10m .
10 Sooner or later , the knee will have to make a move , but now it is immobilised by the two flies , the lower of which is so still that it seems dead .
11 It was probably effective the first time , but now it is looked on as a desperate move , a last ditch attempt to gain attention .
12 The weight could be imposed exogenously , but here it is determined endogenously .
13 Often Cerberus , the remotest and most difficult task , is made the climax , but here it is pushed into penultimate place by the local legend .
14 The development of 19C painting in Czechoslovakia follows that elsewhere in Europe , but here it is imbued with the same emergence of a national consciousness which can also be seen in literature and architecture .
15 A fairly conventional view — but here it is transformed by an argument that makes Caliban not merely the boar , minister of the lustful Venus — in contrast to Prospero , who , like Adonis , is tediously keen on chastity — but the hero of the piece , and indeed of the collected works .
16 Usually the grant is paid to the applicant when the work is finished to the satisfaction of the council 's inspector , but sometimes it is agreed that the council will pay for it in instalments .
17 But there it is dedicated to the struggle against apartheid .
18 But then it is believed Diana and her children will be back on the huge Althorp Estate .
19 But then it is used extensively where a preposition seems to be naturally required , but where to is really inadequate , as in the infinitive of reaction : glad to meet you ( cf Fr. charmé de vous voir ) .
20 But unfortunately it is beset with many problems .
21 What matters here is not so much this association between qualification and quality , but how it is explained .
22 Such brief ‘ thumb-nail ’ sketches do give some indication of the essence of sociology , but ultimately it is both necessary and perhaps more fruitful to emphasise that the most important and distinctive feature of sociology is not so much what is studied but how it is studied , i.e. it is important to indicate what is the particular perspective of sociology , its distinct way of looking at the individual and society .
23 The utopias which those most sensitive to envy and guilt have devised throughout the ages for their own relief remain literally utopian : the question is not how envy is removed , but how it is lived with .
24 Lagerfeld demands and gets total creative control not only of the design of the collection , but how it is presented to the world .
25 They locate the category of ‘ knowledge ’ in a social context rather than an epistemological one ; it is not the validity of knowledge but how it is used that is of importance to the sociology of knowledge .
26 How you do this will depend upon your own personality and your relationship with her , but however it is done , the message she will be hoping to receive through your words and actions will be that you care , you sympathise , and that you are going to stand by her and give her all the help and comfort you can in the months that lie ahead .
27 But however it is Interpreted , by Freudian or other theory , most workers in the area of personality believe there is a connection between unresolved situations of this nature and difficulties in psycho-sexual development .
28 But ultimately it is lost in a quagmire of stylistic density and what could have been a startling book ends up feeling turgid .
29 Needless to say the electron is not to be considered as encircling the nucleus in a circular orbit but instead it is spread out in a way that is totally unpicturable classically .
30 Bleeding from these ulcers is often related to portal hypertension and may be controlled with an infusion of somatostatin , but occasionally it is related to arterial damage which will only respond to prompt surgical intervention .
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