Example sentences of "but [adv] [subord] he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He rejects the criteria favoured by Thompson not , of course , out of mere dogmatism , but rather because he believes that the self-consciousness of a class is not a crucial factor in explaining its birth and development .
2 An eventful race for Derek Warwick brought the British driver ninth place but only after he had wiped off a nose cone on his Arrows when he tangled with Nelson Piquet 's Lotus .
3 Hamnett 's relationship with Bertelsen foundered early last year , but only after he had opened an extravagant shop the size of an aircraft hangar for her , designed by Norman Foster in trendy Brompton Cross , South Kensington .
4 Victory fell to the Roman commander Aetius , but only after he had desperately allied his legions with the forces of the Empire 's declared enemies , the invading Visigoths and Franks .
5 He made his gripe known to one of his superiors and the decision was changed , but only after he had , in his own words , ‘ kicked up a fuss ’ .
6 I knew Leslie 's fastidiousness in sexual matters too well to take the poem literally , but only as he intended that I should : that though he had met many other girls on his leaves in Alexandria and Cairo , he still cared only for me .
7 But only if he agrees .
8 They had offered him the position of editor in chief with , apparently , more direct control over the content of the paper , but only if he came off the Board .
9 But only if he asks me nicely !
10 But only if he beats Ivanisevic today and Courier loses his match with Chang .
11 A Mandela book might attract many of these readers , but only if he wants to write it .
12 Mr Spielberg 's told Rosemarie he hopes so , but only if he finds the money .
13 He asked if he could stay with them , and eventually they agreed that he could , but only if he worked .
14 Vaginal penetration ( screwing , fucking or bonking ) , but only if he has a condom on his penis .
15 Anal penetration ( going up the arse ) but only if he has a condom on his penis .
16 He used to help out now and again , but only when he felt like it .
17 TSB Direct managing director Philip Haynes said an all-singing all-dancing banking service , like Midland 's First Direct , could follow — but only when he believed there was something ‘ demonstrably better ’ about a direct bank account compared with a traditional branch-based account .
18 Oh yes , he does , but only because he feels he ought to .
19 His schedule had worked , but only because he seemed to be carrying out most of it himself .
20 But long before he reaches him he recognizes him — from the way he 's sitting , sprawled back in an armchair with his feet on a coffee-table , reading an ancient Amazing Science Fiction ; from his spectacles and rumpled hair ; from the fact that he 's taken his shoes and socks off to cool his feet , and tossed them down on the coffee-table ; from the way he does n't look up , even as Howard comes right up to him , goggling head leading the way , unable to believe his eyes .
21 Undoubtedly , in March 1914 , nine days after his thirty-seventh birthday , at one of the lowest ebbs in his fortune ( but soon after he had received a grant from the Royal Literary Fund ) , Thomas speculated in fictional form upon another path his life might have taken if he had left grammar school at sixteen and followed his father 's plan of a career in the Civil Service .
22 But soon after he had a change of heart and left her .
23 but soon after he heard a voice ,
24 They had no level of communication at all , and a bus ride with him was an ordeal rather than a pleasure , for she had to rack her brains to reply to his remarks about the weather , the town 's football teams , the cinema , his headmaster , and so forth , but nevertheless when he wrote her a note saying :
25 She 'd fled , but not before he 'd accused her with brutish , angry words of a number of character and personality deficiencies , the greatest of which appeared to be her total inability to appreciate the finer qualities of Marcus Pritchard .
26 But not before he taught me ‘ the way ’ and even gave me — probably when short of a birthday present , his ‘ mantra ’ — his personal word by which to meditate ( sssh , do n't tell the guru , he 'd turn in his cave — you 're not suppose to reveal your mantra to anyone .
27 But not before he kissed the top of my helmet and shouted at me : " Oh , my mum 's going to hear about this . "
28 He allowed Rose to take the gun away but not before he had removed the empty shell .
29 Following the death of James I , Charles I became King of England , in 1625 , and the Duke of Buckingham ( who had been James I 's favourite ) retained his influence over the throne until he was assassinated at Portsmouth , in August 1628 , but not before he had arranged the marriage of Charles I to Henrietta Maria of France .
30 Morel died soon after , but not before he had the bitter pleasure of seeing the Labour Government brought down with the aid of a ‘ red scare ’ engineered , it appeared at the time , by Foreign Office officials .
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