Example sentences of "but [adv] [adv] [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 But much more sorry that you have behaved in such an improper and perilous way .
2 He was described by one of his students as being ‘ a brilliant man but so practically inept that he needed help to cross the road safely ’ .
3 But not too old that I can not make sure that you never forget .
4 The temper of the tools seems good , just soft enough to give a razor-edge , but not too soft that they bend against hard grain .
5 But not too concerned that he could n't find time to drop into Simon Butcher 's to have his picture taken . ’
6 Straps on harnesses should be long enough to give good adjustment , but not so long that the ends dangle !
7 It seems as though the period of separation has been long enough for genetic differences to appear within populations but not so long that reproductive barriers have developed .
8 I 'm er I 'm pretty clear what 's expected of me but not so certain that I know how to make it sufficiently interesting to achieve your undivided attention .
9 Apparently it is a big cut , but not so deep that it has done any irrevocable damage , at least that 's the impression I got .
10 It is , obviously , deeper than the light trance , but not so deep that the patient will not be aware of what is going on around him .
11 The pain was intense , gripping her with its cruel talons , biting deep , but not so deep that it wiped out the sudden rush of anger she felt at his blind stubbornness .
12 where branches are silouetted against the colours of the sunset they must be rich and strong enough to help intensify the sense of the light coming through then , but not so rich that they seem to close , or start to compete with the same thing happening in the ripples that form their reflection .
13 The distance between seats should be carefully arranged so that they are not too remote from each other , but not so close that personal space is invaded .
14 Amis hopes that it 's cloudy , but not so cloudy that the owner should come back and start breathing over his shoulder again .
15 He looked good enough to pass muster , but not so valuable that his inevitable sacrifice to the god of political expediency on the altar of high culture was likely to bring tears .
16 She was scared all right , but not so scared that she was going to meekly stand there !
17 I thought the Sex stuff was a bit weird but not so weird that I did n't want to get involved with it .
18 A ring should feel comfortable , not so loose that it slips down your finger but not so tight that it is difficult to remove .
19 The interest of workers may well be higher wages — but not so high that their employer is driven from business .
20 But not so deafening that she could n't make out the anguished cries of : ‘ Wheee …
21 The binoculars should be powerful enough for you to see what you want but not so bulky that you find them too heavy and awkward to hold for any length of time .
22 It should be damp enough to hold together when squeezed in the hand , but not so wet that water still runs out through the fingers .
23 So when he moved slightly to seek her soft lips with his own , blending predatory male purpose with the tenderness of a child seeking succour , she was lost , allowing him to possess her mouth , welcoming him with parted lips , mindlessly enjoying the sensation of his hands as they bound her to him , but not so hard that she could n't feel their trembling .
24 Breeze was fond of Schumann , but not so fond that she could listen to him now !
25 Frau Hoflin , a sensible woman , old-fashioned , but not so old-fashioned that she could n't see the signs of rebellion beginning to germinate , pressed for the safest ‘ revolt ’ she could think of .
26 But , of course , having hit on the attention-grabbing murder , bizarre but not so bizarre that you risk spluttering giggles instead of riveting attention , you have to account for how your curious event came about .
27 These two combines were strong enough to focus filmmakers ' creative and entrepreneurial energies , but not so dominant that they crushed out other centres of initiative .
28 They racketed in a ragged chorus , never quite finding a common beat , rasping one 's nerves , but finally so familiar that when one day they stopped in a rare shower of rain , the silence was like an explosion .
29 Fen had seen her angry before , but never so angry that she had lashed out physically as well as verbally .
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