Example sentences of "but [adv] [conj] i [be] " in BNC.

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1 During the summer months I can usually get away with leaving my boat conveniently tied up to the pier , but only if I am at home to keep an eye on the weather : in Shetland , even in summer , a gale can blow up from the south east , causing a swell to set into the voe .
2 It seemed that he would n't be kind when I was ill , but only when I was badly behaved and unpleasant to him .
3 But not that I was looking or anything like that !
4 ‘ I 've told them I 'll pay , but not before I 'm ready ! ’
5 ‘ Once I 'd gone I was asked to do a wide range of things but not because I was Chrissie Rogers but because of me Ethy Browne that has been the most satisfying aspect .
6 But just when I was feeling at home in the loin-cloth and boot polish , and when I 'd learned my lines before anyone else and was getting as competent as a little orangutan on the scaffolding , I saw that our conflicts had n't ended .
7 But just because I 'm a lesbian did n't mean to say that I 'm going to pounce on every woman that I meet .
8 There was no reply , but just as I was turning away I swear I heard Dawn sneeze .
9 But just as I was on the point of giving up , the honking bus swerved past me .
10 But just as I was trying to explain it to her , they repeated the telephone number , so I rang them up .
11 ‘ I was going to have a coffee at the Greek cake shop , ’ Constance went on , ‘ but just as I was going in one of those middle-class , middle-aged ladies with a smile on her face was coming out , and whenever I see one of them I think she 's going to try and sell me a poppy or something or tell me Jesus loves me .
12 I snarl , but just as I 'm turning about this itch comes …
13 But probably because I 'm comfortable I would say the estate agency .
14 I started off by smoking it , but later when I was injectin' it , I found I got more of a hit , y'know what I mean .
15 Oh , but honestly when I 'm in love , my face just lights up , just beams with joy , oh , oh no let there be light and my match has gone out but
16 Oh , but honestly when I 'm in love , my face just lights up , just beams with joy , oh , oh no let there be light and my match has gone out but
17 I know that I am a thing made of metal and plastic , but also that I am something which lives inside that metal and plastic .
18 I was very pleased , not only with the pipes , but also that I was now playing them again .
19 Er and the proposal that I shall report is the and in particular those matter our certainty of responsibility between various agencies needs to be addressed erm it arose obviously are much more widespread than in the past week , but er I was granted in fact to give consideration to this result of the parish meeting , conventional routine parish meeting at Barnham er on the fourth of January erm which led to the largest parish meetings I think they 've had in many years erm when because people were incensed with the suffering and the hardship that they had as a result of the flooding on the night of Thursday the thirtieth of December erm should let me say first of all that erm I would congratulate all those who were involved er in dealing with the present emergency operations erm it 's quite superb , it 's erm it seemed to be erm a remarkable reflection on the capacity er that to deal with certain circumstances reflects very well on this authority and in saying that I mean it 's not just the opposites to the men and women who are involved , but also whereas I 'm sure many members are here that members amongst our numbers have putting on very long hours in dealing with the present circumstances and I congratulate on the activities .
20 I was now afraid for Eric and his safety , not just because he was a young man far from home , but also because I was in love with him .
21 Not only because we sent in a game , but also because I 'm interested in what other readers have created .
22 I put the brown paper parcel on the chest in the hall , waiting , I told myself , for a less rainy/windy/busy day , but really because I was funking it .
23 It was a fight but now that I am at college you can believe I am the happiest girl around here .
24 ‘ The decision to do so was one of the hardest I have ever made : but now that I am committed ( by dint of posting the letter before I had time to change my mind ) I began to be afraid of opposite extremes — afraid that I am merely indulging in an orgy of egoism . ’
25 But now that I am , you see Marion as a threat to your position .
26 I waited till we heard him on the stairs , then told them how I had offered to drive this run , but now that I was a passenger it would be against the rules .
27 Not out of any idea that taking drugs was morally wrong but simply because I was already enjoying myself and did n't feel the need of any chemical additions to that enjoyment .
28 It was all overdone , like the decorations in the ward , but even while I was having a superior little mental scoff , they were making me feel obscurely uneasy and near to tears .
29 He walked me to the door with the kids in tow and said that we could all have a look inside , the kids as well , but even though I was shaking from head to toe , I said eventually , after we walked past the place at least four times , if I was going to do this I might as well do it on my own .
30 But even though I was in love , I did n't hide from myself the fact that I would be unhappy with Estella .
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