Example sentences of "but [pron] also [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Crofting made its impact when we moved house from one of the quiet streets , in the middle of the town , to the road which was planned by a wealthy proprietor as an elegant tree-lined approach to Lews Castle , but which also happened to be the shortest route between a dozen crofting villages , lying to the east of the town , and their 19,000 acres of general common pasture which lay to the west .
2 Despite this , the SGA 1979 does make some attempt to deal with the Scottish dilemma vis à vis non-possessory security interests through the insertion of s61(4) of the 1893 Act ( now s62(4) of the 1979 Act ) , a provision specifically drafted for Scotland but which also applies to England .
3 But you also need to be quick with your movements to capture a spontaneous quality , so either mix all your colours in advance , so your rhythm is n't slowed , or apply colours straight from the tube a mix on the canvas .
4 Beatrix helped us , but she also lied to us .
5 Many of her remarks today were about her constituents in Gateshead , but she also referred to the national picture .
6 But we also attribute to him the power to mediate between those same concerns and the hostile forces of disease .
7 But there also seems to be a more personal element , too .
8 And maybe it 's your imagination , but there also seems to be a hint of laughter on the wind …
9 The pressure comes most obviously in terms of the recently imposed completion rates for postgraduate research , but there also seems to be a more general irritation in policy circles with what seems to be the leisurely pace of higher education , a pace which some would link with the original meaning of the word scholar .
10 But there also appears to be what Phillipson , drawing on Cicourel , would call ‘ basic interpretative rules ’ ( Phillipson 1972 : 148 ) , which the police employ when making practical decisions of this sort : the reasonableness of the offender 's excuse ( Ericson 1982 : 147 ) , and whether or not offenders display deference ( Black 1970 : 1101 ; Dix and Layzell 1983 : 73 ; Sykes and Clark 1975 ) .
11 The results of such investigations are interesting , but they also tend to be confused and confusing — we find , for example , that some people believe in both reincarnation and the resurrection of the body ; others believe in the efficacy of prayer , but not in God .
12 They apply to different communities , they have responded to different communities ' needs but they also contribute to a ripple effect of achievement at national and international levels which will ultimately benefit the lives of many more children .
13 But they also like to be stroked . ’
14 The matter is further complicated by the fact that the disclosure letter will almost always say the disclosures are made by reference to the warranty to which they are thought to be most applicable , but they also apply to all warranties .
15 They witness to a process of realisation of the confusion , frustration , failure and partiality at the heart of even the best of human experience , let alone the worst , which makes them essentially accessible to all ; but they also witness to an awakening understanding of the fact that these are the very means of the experience of transformation .
16 But they also prove to me that television is capable of handling myth and that , in confining the medium largely to information and ephemeral diversion , we underestimate its aesthetic potential.M.B .
17 As a major retailer we have responsibilities towards the health and well-being of the community , but they also extend to broader issues concerning our environment in general .
18 Mostly he is talking about a period before the war but he also refers to the uprising against the Germans in 1912 , and some events immediately after the last war , and to a man he describes as his brother .
19 He was clearly nervous about having a foreigner in his house , but he also wanted to be hospitable .
20 In a glowing vision of The ascent of man ( 1894 ) , Drummond acknowledged the Darwinian struggle for life , but he also referred to a struggle for the life of others .
21 In the editorial which he wrote for the last issue , he discussed the general political situation which had provoked in him a depression of spirit so different from anything he had experienced in the last fifty years as " to be a new emotion " ; but he also confessed to a feeling of staleness as editor .
22 Well it seals it but it also helps to erm give you some purchase you see for
23 But it also led to her first public performance .
24 This helped to prevent a price slump but it also led to ‘ butter mountains ’ and ‘ wine lakes ’ which were expensive to store .
25 The project of integration with which Brooke-Rose began provided sufficient material for ‘ four average , competent novels ’ ( Brooke-Rose 1977a:134 ) , but it also led to a frustration with available formal strategies which prepared the way for the radical change in direction her oeuvre was to take with Out in 1964 .
26 Culture , because it provides a set of meanings , can restrain social behaviour but it also refers to ‘ the domain of social experience in which people work out their understanding of the world ’ ( Hales , 1974 ) .
27 It is big — but it also happens to be Japanese , and so presents a juicy target .
28 But it also happens to be true .
29 But it also happens to be true .
30 Not only does this increase costs and emphasise differences between richer and poorer children but it also contributes to a very inflexible and inefficient distribution of learning materials , since under this system ‘ shared ’ material is never bought — only class texts — and it is by no means uncommon to find that as a result a class may end up with only two or three books at its disposal , all in multiple copies .
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