Example sentences of "but [pron] also [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 but I mean it depends also I suppose erm , when your aiming for is the market , and I , I , I would like to have my work published but I also like to perform it and its got to be attractive to be looked at , in the first instance in , on a page its not known , er , there is , there is a lot of debate at the moment about using erm pages for poetry and some poets have actually starting using , writing from the wrong side and , and , and , and writing in the shape of a poem , for instance , if , what poem I was thinking off was a , was a waterfall so it was cascading the words cascading , you almost have to pick , ha , ha , have a choice of , of words that you want to fit into a particular thing , erm I think that 's had its place , but I think it can be a bit off putting as well , yeah , but it exciting , yeah definitely .
2 I often draw in pencil , adding watercolour washes , but I also like to use the wrong end of a brush sharpened to a wedge .
3 I still found the argument extraordinary , but I also had to take into account the fact that if Nigel retained this stance then the committee meeting would have to be postponed and the whole exercise would get off to a terrible start .
4 Between the two visits I preferred the Kent trip because of visiting London but I also enjoyed going to Scarborough because of some of the places .
5 We 've talked about this so often : you know I want to be supportive , but I also have to do my job properly .
6 I do n't need to be reminded that it was the previous administration who put it in the structure plan but I also want to remind those who were n't here that I was utterly opposed to that at the time .
7 But I also want to enjoy the anticipation of going . ’
8 Let's be honest , I did n't wan na see good sections , I wan na see strong sections , I wan na see vibrant sections , but I also want to see the truth in those documents when it comes back afterwards , so I 'm disappointed on this issue and er I hope something in future will be done about to report the real things that we discussed at conference as well .
9 I am always finance-conscious given our continual need to raise funds , but I also want to recognise your valuable contribution to our work .
10 But I also want to address a narrower point in greater detail in relation to my own county of Cornwall .
11 I want it to remain open , but I also want to understand the position .
12 But I also seem to remember rows , and Motherdear going on and on and on — she has that way , you know : she just gets a subject , and worries it to death and beyond , never giving up , like a dog with a dirty old carcass .
13 I partly believed that , but I also wanted to put Blackburn under pressure .
14 I wanted to choose for myself , yes , but I also wanted to escape into a world of certainties , which I knew to be unreal while desperately wanting to believe that it might have some reality .
15 ‘ I believed that but I also wanted to wind them up .
16 Claiming that he is not ‘ presenting any idyllic picture of the rural parish ’ , Eliot takes as his ‘ norm , the ideal of a small and mostly self-contained group attached to the soil … with a kind of unity which may be designed , but which also has to grow through generations ’ .
17 To holiday here you not only get to feel a lot closer to God 's earth , but you also get to feel closer to your fellow man , and there 's not many places that make you feel like that !
18 But you also have written a book . ’
19 Portraits also play a major part in Clamey 's work , ‘ I 'm probably very old fashioned but I believe still that the principal aim or a portrait is to achieve a good likeness of your sitter , but you also have to create a picture . ’
20 But you also have to take into consideration , the feelings of victims , I mean , it it would have to be , erm ,
21 Even where you have to answer set questions — as in an exam — a choice between alternatives usually has to be made ; and not only do you have to pick a particular question to answer , but you also have to decide exactly what it is that the question is asking you to do .
22 But you also have to think on behalf of the child .
23 Not only do you have to work out where your competitors stand at present , but you also have to try and project their future course in the same way you have projected your own and look at how this will affect your own policies in future .
24 This will depend on the size of the bird — you want it to be comfortable and to be able to move its legs , but you also want to keep an untrained bird under firm control .
25 ‘ I do n't doubt that , Claudia , but you also want to keep me away from Garry , ’ she added shrewdly , ‘ and you want even more to keep me away from Roman .
26 . Now what I 'm now going to do , I 'm going to tell you what these initials are , so if you , on the back of the piece of the paper , you make some notes , because some of these obviously are going to be what you , your personality is , but you also need to note , if you look at the type of things that you can expect from different people in the teams , or the strengths and weaknesses that some people may have in your team .
27 But you also need to learn at an early stage how to manage the paperwork on your desk .
28 Erm you occasionally forget it 's there which makes your conversation more natural but you also forget to turn the tape over
29 But she also had to keep house for Aunt Bessie and for a lodger she had to take in to make ends meet .
30 But she also denied knowing Dassac , and the police subsequently discovered that she had had numerous telephone conversations with him and paid him large sums of money under a false name through a Swiss bank account .
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