Example sentences of "but [pron] may [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Er , the the the er er the fax in the first instance has been sent by a back bench member of this house who is not a minister , but I may tell the honourable gentleman that I get all sorts of things from mail shots inviting me to all er manner of functions , all of which find their way into the waste paper basket .
2 But I may monitor the progress of this team called the ‘ Cheats ’ along with our other entries .
3 They may also deliberately maintain extra production capacity so that potential entrants can see that any attempt at entry will be matched by a sharp increase in production by existing firms , forcing price reductions which in the short run will be unprofitable for all but which may bankrupt the entrant first .
4 Secondly , the tests may produce inconclusive results , or expose some minor defects which may not have the effect of causing mental or physical handicap , but which may affect the child .
5 It is not necessary for you to meet him at the moment — in fact , he is not here right at this moment — but you may use the telephone .
6 if your exit road or lane from , from is not clear , but you may enter the box when you want to turn right and are prevented from doing so .
7 But you may find the road blocked .
8 But one may note the steady accumulation of evidence that all kinds of mental disorder have a physical basis , and that biochemical adjustment brought about by drugs often provides more effective help to a disturbed person than any other process .
9 The temporal processes that we shall examine , such as the changing structure of employment , may result more from international forces than from influences in the local environment , but they may change the map of the UK at regional , sub-regional or local scale .
10 But they may underestimate the true extent of inequalities , since a large group of children — who at many ages have a particularly poor mortality record — are excluded from the main analyses .
11 opportunistic predators are good samplers of local small mammal communities , but they may alter the proportions of the species ;
12 But he may sway the odd wavering voter on polling day . ’
13 Bogwood is semi-fossilised , and should not contain harmful substances , but it may stain the water dark brown .
14 This method of progression is unsettling enough to make some riders seasick , but it may hold the key to the beast 's endurance .
15 On a large number of matches the extra few fish that this may put in their net will not make any difference between winning or losing , but it may affect the deficit or margin by which they win or lose .
16 It wo n't cut your premiums but it may cut the risk of theft .
17 This will not stop you catching the smaller fish but it may swing the odds in your favour of selecting one or two of the larger fish .
18 If K is large , then the algorithm will ’ jump to conclusions ’ quickly , but it may overshoot the optimum weights .
19 For those publications which use colour , transparencies can usually be accepted from 33mm upwards , but it may help the magazine if plate sizes are agreed before the pictures are taken .
20 In many ways 1993 marks the end of this pattern , but it may take the whole of the year to do so .
21 If the horse suddenly starts bucking when we ride it , and we jump off and swat it with a cane ; the horse will remember , but it may remember the wrong thing .
22 If you ca n't find the pattern you want in a vinyl , you can protect paper wallcoverings with a polyurethane varnish , but it may yellow the pattern slightly .
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