Example sentences of "but [pron] is no [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But there is no kind of crisis going on , except perhaps in the environmental or ecological area and in our own minds when we try to secure for ourselves what we can not have : namely a zero risk .
2 INVESTIGATORS have determined that an explosion destroyed the UTA DC-10 which crashed in the Sahara Desert on 19 September , killing all 171 people on board , but there is no evidence that a bomb was responsible .
3 Hans Modrow , Party leader in Dresden , is supposed to be a reformist , but there is no evidence for this .
4 Television certainly did marginalize the Alliance , but there is no evidence that the bias in television coverage influenced the expectations of the electorate .
5 The idea that the body clock might adjust more readily with practice is an attractive one , but there is no evidence to support it .
6 But there is no evidence that Mr Jackson 's popularity can be extended to other media , such as film .
7 The central dogma is of course a theory , but there is no evidence to suggest that it is wrong .
8 There is some evidence that transitory dampness can occur , possibly due to this condensation , in a small number of dwellings , but there is no evidence that it has led to rot .
9 This may be the case in some circumstances , but there is no evidence available to suggest that it is generally true .
10 This could be the case , but there is no evidence to suggest that the amount of ‘ in-house ’ appraisal is extensive .
11 The intention of the testator that his brother-in-law should not profit is quite clear , but there is no evidence of any more specifically juridical intention .
12 It was not unknown for men to become peculiar , or even on occasion completely to lose their reason , in the vast spaces of Masailand , but there is no evidence that this was more likely to happen there than in other lonely postings .
13 Popular etymology has claimed that ‘ Bredcroft ’ was the place where the town 's medieval bakers kept their ovens and Burton claims there was a court house there , but there is no evidence .
14 There have been natural caverns or fissures discovered under Stamford , but there is no evidence to suggest they were ever used by man .
15 Little is known of the ‘ cottage countess ’ but there is no evidence of her surprise at seeing Burghley House , or her supposed decline under the aristocratic social pressures which Tennyson alludes to .
16 But there is no evidence they were by Bosnian Serb forces . ’
17 But there is no evidence that Julian had ever been a nun before her immurement , nor is there anything distinctively Benedictine about her spirituality .
18 It is popularly assumed that it has medicinal benefits , but there is no evidence whatever to support this , and much evidence to the contrary .
19 Its record is entirely respectable , but there is no evidence to suggest that Hanson 's skills are appropriate for the really difficult management problems like the rebuilding of the Rover Group or the strengthening of I.C.L . 's position in the world computer market .
20 Silver must have come from silver-bearing lead and copper ores but there is no evidence of mining lead itself until the late Saxon period .
21 This shows that there was significant deposition of largely fine-grained sediments during the Elsterian and Weichselian glaciations but there is no evidence of large-scale deposition during other glacial periods or during interglacials .
22 Clearly this , had it really existed , would have threatened his livelihood , but there is no evidence of its being anything more than imaginary .
23 A government minister has said that the police fired in self-defence , but there is no evidence to suggest that the their lives were in jeopardy .
24 Lanfranc 's collection of Canon Law was in the library at Canterbury , but there is no evidence that Anselm ever used it while he was archbishop .
25 Not only is this view totally unacceptable to the deaf community as active members of society and sign language users but there is no evidence in the UK that these ‘ symptoms ’ are in any way ‘ causes ’ .
26 A nonlinear Q s - L relationship may reduce the range of implied solar changes before 1900 , but there is no evidence available at present to support a more complex relationship than assumed here .
27 It is possible that the selectors only had the E-K telephone directory to hand , and thus were limited in their options , but there is no evidence that this policy is a winning one .
28 Kim probably then fought with the Soviet forces but there is no evidence to substantiate the grandiose claims Kim was later to make concerning his contributions to the Second World War .
29 But there is no evidence that he mounted a critique of the position in which women were placed in his society .
30 The kittens are certainly influenced by what their mother does , but there is no evidence that her action is directed at one specific behaviour , rather than simply providing them with an opportunity to behave generally with the victim .
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