Example sentences of "but [pron] [is] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 John Searle has compared the computational view of mind to an Englishman who has no understanding of Chinese processing Chinese symbols according to rules which correspond to the grammar of Chinese : what he deals with may be meaningful Chinese sentences , but he is none the wiser .
2 Barnes added : ‘ We have not solved the mystery of unlocking their defence , but it is something the management will discuss a lot over the next few days . ’
3 Men are gladly taken back into their lives , but it is themselves the women have discovered .
4 But it is what the more energetic and motivated of these human resources — her people — have managed to do with the material resources that — to quote from just three current claims , which some might think exaggerated — has triggered an economic revolution , caught the rest of the world unprepared and given birth to a whole new era and a brand-new geography .
5 But it is none the less interesting as a conclusion to this chapter to draw contrasts , albeit impressionistically , with community policing in West Belfast , for this puts Easton 's community policing into sharp relief .
6 But it is none the less effective for that , and it would be wrong to see it , as do some liberals , as a superstitious remnant from a blighted past .
7 Asquith 's capacity to recover quickly from his infatuation , strong though it was , was much greater than she allows , but it is none the less the case that he was thrown off balance for a crucial couple of weeks , the repercussions of which were considerable .
8 This stark contrast is not invention , but it is none the less unhistorical .
9 It may be true that the life we destroy is in the main of the lower orders or minute forms , but it is none the less destruction of life for all that , and since ahi sā involves doing no injury to any form of life , it follows that no matter how careful and compassionate and self-restrained a person may be he can not entirely escape committing hi sā .
10 It is difficult , given Korngold 's Hollywood output , not to imagine this as a mighty movie score , but it is none the worse for that , and those existing admirers of Korngold 's music should get great pleasure from this .
11 But it is none the less dangerous .
12 It ca n't surely , but it 's what the Government want to do with L M S. Of course , they have a real agenda behind Local Management which is more to do with market- led economy education , competition , evasiveness , elitiveness , the end of the Local Authority .
13 It ca n't surely , but it 's what the Government want to do with L M S. Of course , they have a real agenda behind Local Management which is more to do with market led economy education , competition , , elitiveness , the end of the Local Authority .
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