Example sentences of "but [pron] [noun sg] could be " in BNC.

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1 Montrose 's formulation is rhetorically neat but its application could be expected to produce results which are conflicting and disruptive .
2 But their joy could be dimmed by an injury that may keep inspiring skipper Seamus Heath out of action for two weeks .
3 Twenty-eight weekly newspapers based in English towns in 1758 seems a sparse enough provision , but their circulation could be extensive .
4 but her statement could be applied simply to the love she feels for Paris , which will both morally and physically ‘ undo ’ Trojan society .
5 A LITTLE boy is becoming withdrawn because he has so many ear infections he finds it difficult to hear , but his life could be revolutionised by one simple operation .
6 He belonged to no movement but his attitude could be described , like that of many good British painters of the last 50 years , as being in the tradition of Vuillard and Sickert .
7 So far discussion has been limited to discussing the beneficiary 's ability to recover the trust property where it had passed into the hands of a third party : in principle the beneficiary was able to follow it , but his claim could be barred depending on the nature of the acquisition by the third party .
8 That is another subject Friedlander has made his own — but his example could be productively followed anywhere .
9 The men were hotching for action , but what response could be dragged out of those granite walls and that oak door ?
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