Example sentences of "but [pron] [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They look at a map , draw a line and produce leaflets but nothing is done on the ground to withstand the pressure of hundreds of people following the route .
2 Also in 1935 , the men were given permission to mark cards for the Ladies , but nothing is said of the reverse procedure .
3 That Aethelberht , king of Kent , exercised authority over his brother , Eadberht , is clear from the way in which it was necessary for Ealdwulf , bishop of Rochester , to secure confirmation of a grant of land from Eadberht in 738 from Aethelberht and Nothhelm , archbishop of Canterbury , acknowledging that he had erred in not doing so sooner ( CS 159 : S 27 ) , but nothing is said of any necessity to secure Aethelbald 's confirmation .
4 A record gross score is not recorded until 1911 when Philip Simmons returned a 75 ‘ beating the record by 2 ’ , but nothing is recorded of the earlier player 's 77 .
5 But nothing is implied by the new study of the utility of AZT in the treatment of those in whom symptoms have already appeared ; there is no case for abandoning that treatment , at least on the evidence now available .
6 We know that Wilson married , for his wife Mary helped him and continued the business for a time after his death , but nothing is known of her origins or ultimate fate .
7 The title of master was accorded him , but nothing is known of his education .
8 Leisure in the home : this photograph is labelled simply ‘ An Interior Kitchen 1927 ’ and may have been taken in Paisley , but nothing is known of the boy .
9 Staining for antibodies specific to the short-wave photopigment has revealed a sparse , semiregular array of cones ; but nothing is known about the arrangement of the more numerous long- and middle-wave cones .
10 , John ( c. 1770– c. 1843 ) , merchant service master and Antarctic discoverer , was born c .1770 but nothing is known about his early life and education .
11 , Samuel ( c. 1797–1848 ) , actor and comedian , is believed to have been born around 1797 , but nothing is known about his parentage or background .
12 He wore a neat thread of a handkerchief round his neck which somehow conveyed the idea of important days behind him , but nothing was left from those days except arthritic hips and old concussions , their reminders of sensational falls ever-present .
13 But nothing was issued on the format which was not also available on smaller records .
14 Thieves broke into and ransacked estate agents and accountants premises in High Street , Braintree , causing damage valued at of £575 , but nothing was stolen in either raid .
15 Bentham 's criticisms of social contract theory had been accepted but nothing was put in its place .
16 Employees wear dose meters like this , but no-one 's looked at their families yet .
17 I do n't put my style on , but I am influenced by how people skate .
18 I do not answer , nor do I open my eyes , but I am stirred by the relentless bleep and static of the answerphone ; words , artificial like a megaphone , filtering through .
19 It may not be strictly within my remit , but I am fascinated by the amount of space that is being lavished , particularly by the Sunday Times , on the new list of ‘ The Best of Young British Novelists ’ .
20 ‘ I think you have many sources of life , ’ said Franca , ‘ but I am touched by your gratitude . ’
21 But I am flattered at being considered . ’
22 But I am plagued by the thought that we have arrived at a moment in history when this is about to be swept away .
23 ‘ It is not , sir , ’ she said calmly , ‘ but I am driven to it .
24 But I am stifled in Riva 's fist ; I do n't think Rainbow hears me .
25 But I am held by the sound of Summerchild 's voice .
26 Chairman Andrew Wassell , who has been asked by the Takeover Panel to clarify his comments to the Guardian on Wednesday about the level of acceptances , said : ‘ It is much too soon to know but I am encouraged by the efforts we are making in winning support for our bid . ’ .
27 Chairman Andrew Wassell , who has been asked by the Takeover Panel to clarify his comments to the Guardian on Wednesday about the level of acceptances , said : ‘ It is much too soon to know but I am encouraged by the efforts we are making in winning support for our bid . ’ .
28 The full vessels are left on the empty shore , they are for use but I am carried to the river in your arms , and I dance to the rhythms of your heart-throbs and heaving of the waves .
29 But I am allowed in the streets , with my escort .
30 ‘ I have no feelings for him but I am hurt by his attitude , ’ said 16-year old Javier .
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