Example sentences of "but [pron] [be] [adv] going " in BNC.

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1 But I am still going to sit right at the back of the aeroplane away from you !
2 ‘ Yes , but I was just going to make some coffee , ’ said Ianthe .
3 Turning around brought a couple of angry hoots from the odd civilian driver — taxis and buses never blow their horns at taxis or buses — but I was now going away from the traffic flow and I was back outside PKB by five .
4 ‘ It 's something he 's had for some time , but I was always going to play him despite the trouble and the fact he 's one booking away from a ban . ’
5 But I 'm just going to the loo .
6 ‘ Yes , ’ said Aunty Annie , ‘ but I 'm just going to pop home for my nightie ! ’
7 But I 'm just going to demonstrate to you just what happens .
8 Now time is nearly on us but I 'm just going to rapidly refer you to procedures on death .
9 I 'm gon na go to the church , but I 'm just going straight to work .
10 I know I should n't , but I 'm just going to pop forwards half an hour and see what 's going to be going on .
11 Forgive me if I do n't ask how you feel , but I 'm just going to break every bone in your boyfriend 's body ! ’
12 Ah well , in tomorrow like but I 'm just going in till twenty past nine and then sign my name off and going home .
13 Now moving on a little bit further , I know the talk said that I was only going up to er to , but I 'm just going a little bit further .
14 It would be a misuse of powers for a judge to say : ‘ I know Parliament has given me a discretion to vary orders in contempt appeals and make just ones , but I 'm never going to use them .
15 We 're going to get a bit of John back but I 'm never going to have a husband again .
16 There 's someone away all August but I 'm actually going to try to keep the sessions going ,
17 But I 'm only going to kill him , ’ I said reasonably .
18 It 's like , but I 'm only going to get out of erm this band
19 He said , but I 'm only going back out there another he said , so it wo n't be too long .
20 He wo n't be ready till next season , but I 'm really going to knock their eyes out with this fellow . ’
21 Yes we know that Tim but you 're just going to have to wait until we 've all finished .
22 erm but you 're also going to know that you 're contributing to the society erm and that even if some people in the newspapers and some politicians are dismissing unemployed people and saying that they 're scroungers , that that is n't the case for you , that you are erm making a positive input into society , probably a much more positive input than a lot of those people that are critical of erm unemployed people .
23 But if you 're in a situation where that 's not possible then you 'll do the very best you can , but you 're always going to be on the look out for the priorities as they change , cos once the person stops breathing they become unconscious , they stop breathing , their heart stops , then everything else has to wait and you have to try and get on with that , okay ?
24 It 's happening now , it 's always progressing and it 's always going on and you 're never going to reach an end point , you 're never going to reach a final point , whereas with something like history , I find it 's interesting , but you 're always going over and analysing what 's happened , it 's that much more backward looking , whereas science applied has got more constructive .
25 You know , you 're sort of turning the abortion argument on it 's head , that er in an abortion you can say it 's my body , I have a right to decide , and this baby that dies is never going to be there to question that decision , but in this type of situation the baby 's going to be there and okay , you 'll get so many who will just accept their situation and wo n't question it , but you 're always going to get some , or even one who will say I want to know my origins , I want to why I was conceived this way , why I was born this way , why , I have two mothers , that maybe a surrogate mother and a natural mother ?
26 Both Seve and Irwin played badly in the third round , but you 're never going to do a good score at Lytham when it feels like three degrees below freezing and there 's a gale blowing , are you ?
27 As her cheeks paled visibly , he went on without mercy , ‘ You may have succeeded in getting your greedy little hooks into my father and my brother , but you 're never going to get them into my sister .
28 But you 're still going to carry on . ’
29 ‘ Yes , they 're different , but you 're only going to have the variation on three of the strings ; the three plain strings are going to feel pretty similar .
30 But you 're all going to have to work a darned sight harder .
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