Example sentences of "but [pron] [verb] that we " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I know , dear — there is a farm next door to us back on the dear old homestead and Daddy does usually describe himself as a farmer — but I meant that we capitalist parasites would be taking the place of the oxen , not the horny-handed salt-of-the-earth types cracking the whip over them . ’
2 I hoped that we could do that today , but I trust that we shall certainly have an opportunity tomorrow .
3 But I hope that we will widen the net with this project so that people wo n't be scared to come forward . ’
4 But I hope that we can do better …
5 If it is already in the Bill , I apologise , but I hope that we will finally resolve the injustice of the tax on empty properties .
6 Sussex is still working on its piece de resistance but I hope that we 're going to get erm what we hope to do together very , very soon .
7 How we managed without all these aids — in fact by merely buying a coffin and getting on with it — I ca n't imagine , but I know that we were lucky to be living in the UK and not the US , where the open coffin , or at least one quarter open at the head end , is de rigueur .
8 I think it was 1964 , he thinks it was 1963 , but I know that we met in El Vino and hit it off immediately .
9 ‘ This game told me that we need all our good players to be up and playing at their peak , but I felt that we did n't do that tonight . ’
10 There is danger that trade between our countries might be permanently cut , but I believe that we shall eventually transcend ideological differences and progress together .
11 I do not rule that out completely , but I believe that we should consider the matter carefully before going down such a route .
12 There is no easy answer but I believe that we can make the environment we work in fairer to women ; to all minority groups .
13 ‘ Much remains to be done to grasp the opportunities that will arise , but I believe that we have made real progress in starting to do just that . ’
14 But I forgot that we are now in the era of the Leisure Jam .
15 But I see that we can go a little nearer . ’
16 ‘ I would not have gone in on my own , ’ he admitted , ‘ but I think that we might go again .
17 I 'm sorry to say but I think that we 're talking about this education day at the beginning of October and I mean god knows we 've known this is coming for , it 's almost as if we 've got to the brink of , you know like lemmings just about to throw ourselves off the cliff and we do n't know why we 're going to do it .
18 And for , our children when they grow up cos I had three children nearly every one that had come into the town had little ones so you see we were trying to build a town for our children to benefit which I do n't know whether you think that it 's a town worth living in but I think that we have done very well and it 's a town that is caring for such as the elderly they really do care !
19 Nowadays people are worried about er , drinking milk and dairy products because of the cholesterol bit , but I think that we 've got to remember that there 's a lot of calcium in milk and you should drink milk and take plenty of exercise and that is the time when it 's probably extremely important !
20 but , but I think that we 'll get into that stage in Britain
21 I mean , they are very basic things but I think that we really do n't acknowledge they are people who should be respected along with the rest of us . ’
22 But I think that we can persuade them that it is something that Parliament has said a planning application that deals with local issues can be determined locally .
23 Erm , but I think that we also think this is in an in the state of philosophy nowadays .
24 It is of no surprise to you and I to know that we are in a erm an economic crisis , and , but I think that we might be accused of being in an area that does n't take the fair share of the cuts .
25 But I understand that we were n't black enough for that crowd , despite the fact that of the three people on stage [ Lester , DJ and Lindy — Norman was n't on stage ] only one was white . ’
26 I recognise the local pressures which the hon. Gentleman perceives , but I reiterate that we endeavour to see that the resources allocated reflect the need in the localities .
27 Now we have to be careful with the word ‘ redemptive ’ because in a final way only Christ 's sufferings can be deemed truly redemptive ; but I feel that we can make guarded use of the term .
28 But I feel that we are less aware of this same process when it occurs in British schools .
29 Well they 're getting comfy seats and we 're star well as you can see from the last play , Wuthering Heights that erm we actually lost money on that I know it will happen but I feel that we ought to erm go along and get into a healthier position again .
30 As the hon. Gentleman and I know , it is usual to ask questions of visiting heads of state , but I suspect that we would not be allowed to ask the Queen any questions .
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