Example sentences of "but [prep] the time [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But for the time being , with a young family at home , he is very happy to have switched to contract catering .
2 But for the time being it gives Japanese firms a small advantage .
3 The steamroller had hit a bump , but for the time being it was back on course .
4 Inevitably , writing for the Cornhill gave him a first experience of the restrictions imposed on authors by the readers of quality magazines , but for the time being he was happy to compromise in the interests of his career .
5 But for the time being , dancing meant little to him .
6 The cost of the replacement equipment is thus reduced and may attract CGT when it is disposed of ; but for the time being , liability for CGT is avoided .
7 But for the time being this will do nicely .
8 Later we will discuss different technical constructions , but for the time being we will define precisely what makes melody , and what , probably , makes it distinctive .
9 In later years Nietzsche came to have a more favourable attitude to these aspects of classical studies , but for the time being his dissatisfaction was almost unqualified .
10 Whether such a prognosis is indeed likely or not is a question to which we shall return shortly , but for the time being let us merely note the danger , which is in any event a very real one , and pass on .
11 ‘ There is a possibility that this chap will move to another university next year , but for the time being I 've had to look for a way to take the heat off .
12 The impact of molecular biology will eventually revolutionise our whole way of thinking about cancer and is management , but for the time being three areas are receiving particular attention :
13 But for the time being this will do nicely .
14 But for the time being I happen to think it best to wait a little , in the hope that something triggers your memory into returning of its own accord . ’
15 We still have a detective sergeant and a couple of local officers working on it , but for the time being we 've run out of anything to go on .
16 We still have a detective sergeant and a couple of local officers working on it , but for the time being we 've run out of anything to go on .
17 But for the time being conservationists everywhere are happy to know that the swans and the anglers are no longer rivers apart .
18 But for the time being , the first salmon skin shoes are expected to be ready for sale in 8 weeks time .
19 But for the time being , Private Morrison 's family , already overcome by grief , can only wait and hope his body will be released to them soon .
20 But for the time being , they 're happy to lap up the hospitality of their rescuers .
21 But for the time being , for this group of travellers at least , the party 's over .
22 Changes can be made in the look of any step not by a change in the tempo but in the time signature : for example , dancing a pas de basque to a 2/4 or 6/8 instead of the usual 3/4 .
23 Later she was to wish that she had neither been so deceitful , nor so colourful , but at the time excitement and expediency combined carried her away .
24 The social historian can now fit this slump into the wider pattern of events that was to add up to the Great Depression but at the time motion-picture executives in production and distribution were more given to introspection than to socio-economic analysis .
25 But by the time crime categories or definitions have been established , the most important foundation stone of ‘ our crime problem ’ has been well and truly buried in cement , beyond the reach of any liberal ‘ scientific ’ shovel .
26 It is possible to start off with just one or two tags which control the main typographic elements but by the time page numbers , headers , footers , indexes , etc have been added the list can get unwieldy .
27 Daylight was just around the corner however , but by the time daylight did arrive , although she and her pride were very much certain that she 'd see Vendelin Gajdusek in hell before she ever spoke to him again , certain other practicalities had entered her head .
28 An object close to the camera , with a very short out-and-return light-path from flash to film , will be imaged while the sound-pulse is still at the back of the emulsion but by the time light from an object 15 metres away has reached the film , the sound-pulse will have reached its front face .
29 The two girls were both on night duty and they waited in vain all night , hoping against hope that Steve and his crew had perhaps been forced down somewhere , but by the time dawn came up and there was still no news , they realised he was just another casualty .
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