Example sentences of "but [adj] [is] only a " in BNC.

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1 They have to keep a logbook but that 's only a check to make sure that nobody 's leaving a mess in the common areas and we only have it because we 've found that some residents can have problems because they 've become deskilled in certain things .
2 But that 's only a palliative . ’
3 You see something advertised like ‘ The Four Seasons ’ : well , everyone knows the famous bit , but that 's only a quarter of it .
4 ‘ Yes , but that 's only a technicality .
5 But that 's only a hundred and fifty a week . ’
6 But that 's only a story .
7 ‘ In another location I would probably have a full dining room every night , but that is only a part of what is important to me .
8 This can be seen throughout Formen in his struggles with the word ‘ property ’ , but that is only a beginning .
9 But that is only a reason for saying that the value is not really there in the world if we presuppose a scientistic view of reality for which it is of itself necessarily ‘ motivationally inert ’ and cognizable in a manner which has nothing essentially to do with being attracted or repelled by it .
10 The heads of the different divisions might feel that it should be so but that is only a claim of ego and emotion .
11 But that is only a small part of the single currency argument .
12 But that is only a relatively short term thing again , and that period will consist
13 There is every reason for more unmarried mothers receiving maintenance from the fathers of their children ; but this is only a small part of the problem .
14 It seems a pity that the gun does not come with a reflector nozzle ( to work near window panes without cracking the glass , for example ) , but this is only a minor point .
15 But this is only a first step to scientific study , and two questions naturally follow : having found D what use is it ?
16 Perhaps the blocking antibodies are all-important and can cope with the increased antigenic differences in hybrids , but this is only a speculation , and more work needs to be done .
17 5 million children in lone-parent households but this is only a single snapshot count and the number of children currently estimated to be in step-families ( between 1 and 1 .
18 But this is only a ground for drawing a strong contrast between them and ‘ primary qualities ’ like shape , for those who , like Mackie , take a strong realist line about the latter which I find unacceptable .
19 As we have noted , the South Pole lies about midway between Achernar and the Southern Cross , but this is only a rough guide , and the nearest brightish star to the polar point , Beta Hydri , is some distance away .
20 It may be possible to devise a system for including greater objectivity into descriptions , and Dr Peacock has been very helpful in laying down guidelines , which it is hoped will be published before long , but this is only a step in the right direction towards a fuller understanding of manufacturing processes , marketing and distribution , and the size and historical development of each industry .
21 More than ever is it apparent that Jack Brymer 's beautifully played long solo clarinet cadenza was recorded separately from the rest of the score and in a slightly different acoustic , but this is only a very slight distraction .
22 But this is only a tongue-tip taste of the political dilemma Harrison faces .
23 Dedicated football fan that he is , Anderson attempts to give advice to Crisp and Broadbent in a long and excited utterance , but this is only a part of the whole picture because his enthusiasm for the topic , implicated by the length of the turn , conflicts with the hesitancy he also displays .
24 But this is only a basic set so I mean we 'll know when there 's a tube yeah
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