Example sentences of "but [adj] [vb mod] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But that may be worth a go if you 've got some Permitabs left .
2 Yeah , but that 'll be like a tunnel , you know , when the wind 's blowing because the wind hits our front
3 Okay , my mum 'd probably buy me one for my birthday but that would be about it .
4 She would not be known now to many at Queen 's Park but that would be to our impoverishment .
5 But that would be for the sake of Matthew 's brown eyes .
6 It all sounded so polite and formal , when what she really wanted was to put her arms around him and have him hold her , kiss her , tell her that he had forgiven her , but that would be like trying to turn the clock back , and there was no way they could do that .
7 Twenty five pound voucher or something Du n no what the vouchers are for but that would be in my hand anyway
8 But that must be in huge quantities to make it worth their while .
9 Er there was a worry that well first of all the effect just the the appearance of the road passing through that area , clearly obviously concerns about development but that can be on on any route that can happen .
10 But that will be for psychological rather than physiological reasons .
11 The works of Hamilton which eventually appear on CD-ROM will be open to basic text retrieval but that will be about all .
12 Later still he may train himself to eradicate the desire or aversion itself , releasing himself from one causally necessary condition of facing facts , so that the formula is no longer directly applicable ; but that will be in the service of other ends , and unless he can discover some new way of validating them these too will be spontaneous goals selected from the rest by thinking within the frame of the same formula .
13 But that will be in together or not ?
14 But that will be after the demise of the Wiltshire County Council .
15 As York finds , workers prefer not to involve their clients in short-term task processes , but this may be for a multitude of reasons other than that of effectiveness : lack of time ( client participation is generally time consuming ) , agency policy and pressure ( paternalism ) , professional socialization and norms , and so on .
16 Sotheby 's have estimated its value at $10m-$14m , but this may be on the low side to ensure a sale .
17 But this would be beyond all bounds .
18 But this would be of limited value to the defendant , since any costs recovered by the defendant would be subject to a charge in favour of the board under section 16 of the Act and the operation of regulation 103 of the Civil Legal Aid ( General ) Regulations 1989 , the detail of which I need not examine , and would have the effect in this case that the defendant would in fact recover only a very small proportion of the costs he actually incurred .
19 But this would be to little avail if the ground were waterlogged or so acid as to prevent the normal action of soil life .
20 But this would be at a great price for the many to deal with the problems of the few .
21 Later , when they came to know each other better , the pupil might graduate to calling him ‘ Lewis ’ , but this would be in the case of intimates .
22 But this must be worth — ’
23 It was long believed that remarriage and the prospects of remarriage must be taken into account when considering a widower 's claim but this must be in some doubt following the wide interpretation given to s4 of the Act in Stanley v Siddique [ 1992 ] 1 QB 1 : see Kemp & Kemp ( Sweet & Maxwell ) 22 – 004 et seq .
24 Governing bodies are empowered to specify the duties and to determine the grading of non-teaching staff appointed after LMS , but this should be within the scale of grades currently applied within the LEA .
25 But this will be to no avail if the choreographer is attempting to tell a story and does not have expert advice from musicians of the calibre of Edwin Evans , Constant Lambert and John Lanchbery .
26 The company says that it intends to support the FDDI , Fibre Channel Standard and Parallel Channel Attachment standards but this will be for connecting the SP1 to file servers and hosts rather than speeding up the local network within the chassis .
27 A possible conclusion to be drawn from this is that management can provide alternative more attractive forms of work organisation but these may be at higher cost .
28 But these would be for the general benefit , not for the worse .
29 ‘ As soon as I am rich I mean to engage some of the very finest artists in their respective lines to paint figures into the landscapes , but these must be of a large size , and if executed in a superior manner will find many admirers ’ .
30 During the rest of the 1990s the number of youngsters entering the workforce each year will be smaller than at any time since the second world war ; but two-fifths will be from minorities , mostly Hispanics and blacks .
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