Example sentences of "but [adj] [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 But that also means that wild flowers and herbs get cut before they have a chance to flower and propagate .
2 But that scarcely matters as Sturmbannführer Berger has other duties to take care of . ’
3 On the face of it this is true , but that simply means that there should be a thorough assessment of competitive strengths to underpin the matrix .
4 But that probably stopped when I started going in did n't it ?
5 But brave enough to go and fight fires and but he would n't stop in with himself .
6 But this steadily dissolved as we shared ideas , asked questions of one another and gave each other leads .
7 But this also means that as the morphology of species matured over great periods of historic time , other forms became more adapted to life on land , while yet others returned to the water to escape the increasing competition .
8 But this merely says that the government must determine how much is produced .
9 In general , however , it is only the massive gulf between perceptual ability and linguistic competence of conscious articulation which provides evidence in day to day experience of the power of an unconscious oriented towards objects rather than language ; but this alone implies that the object world holds great significance .
10 But this always assumes that departments will want to store information about the processes of document creation , as opposed to merely the results of such processes .
11 It is true that water levels on the Alaskan coast , caused by tsunami , earthquake-related tidal waves , have risen over three hundred feet but this only happens when the sea-bed shallows close inshore : in the deep sea , although the tsunami can travel tremendously fast , two , perhaps three , hundred miles an hour , it 's rarely more than a ripple on the surface of the water .
12 Its scarcity contributed to its status as the most universally accepted precious substance , but this only ensured that unceasing efforts were made to reduce scarcity by increasing supplies .
13 But this only shows that we will not learn the whole meaning at once , at the beginning .
14 Jenny had formed relationships with several boyfriends , but these usually ended because she became over-dependent .
15 Many of the GPs who are now budget holders are proudly boasting of the better service they can offer patients but all freely admit that it is at the expense of the patients of nonbudget-holding GPs .
16 In that year they introduced their ‘ New Dwarf Blotched and Striped ’ mixture ‘ producing flowers of many colours , but all beautifully blotched and striped . ’
17 But many still fear and dislike the idea of ending up in a home .
18 But many now argue that they need to deal seriously with differences between women and the power relations that produce them , and , as Hooks says , to ‘ assume responsibility for eliminating all the forces that divide women ’ ( 1982 : 157 ) .
19 Such people have been dubbed ‘ carbohydrate cravers ’ by researchers , but many now think that the primary craving may not be for carbohydrates but for fats .
20 The tricky part would come when they had to leave the straight track and turn down through a gate and a field , but magic never worked if the thing you had to do was too easy .
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