Example sentences of "but [adj] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The submissions were brief and lucid , economical of Ministerial time , but unaccompanied by any files or background papers from which alternatives could be devised or warning signals detected .
2 He could also ride a horse , with or without a saddle , and hit a target ten times out of ten with arrows from his bow , but neither of these things seemed to count .
3 But neither of these cases really proves the existence of strong agrarian unrest ; both show that local discontent could be drawn into the political struggles of contending dynasties and their magnate supporters .
4 The answer may mean harsher timetabling , or it may mean reconsidering the school 's traditional use of its premises and their parts , but neither of these answers is impossible .
5 But neither of these brats would kill him !
6 But neither of these explanations for the missing ‘ critical ’ element in recent art is wholly satisfying .
7 But neither of these translations gives the slightest clue to the idiomatic meaning of the original French expression ; the first means ‘ to laugh loudly and maliciously at something ’ and the second ‘ to give up ’ ( e.g. when asked a riddle ) .
8 To travel for miles along a country lane seeing no traffic other than a solitary tractor is rare in England generally but usual in this vicinity .
9 At this point it is sufficient to mention that it is accepted that there were differences between the real and reported rates , but that for some crimes over certain periods of time the difference was fairly constant .
10 But that of this world ;
11 He astonished himself with the reply , giving not Estabrook 's address , but that of another place entirely .
12 It may recognise that once the youngest child has left home the wife may again be able to take up gainful employment but that until that time she should be provided with a home rent free .
13 The latter half of the sixteenth century does , arguably , represent a significant turning point in the development of the hierarchy : until that time one can argue that its evolution had been largely functional , that the nature of the hierarchy ensured that those who reached the highest learned offices would have received a thorough grounding in the necessary sciences through both their education and their teaching , and practical training in the application of the law through holding several important kadiliks ; but that after that time , that is , from toward the end of the sixteenth century , the elaboration of the hierarchy was much more negative from the point of view both of learning and of good administration , being essentially an attempt to provide jobs and honours for an ever-increasing number of those seeking both .
14 This view avoids the necessity of explaining how an increase in complexity can occur by denying that it happens , but only at the expense of supposing not only that there is a minute homunculus in the egg but that within that homonculus there is an egg containing a still more minute homonculus , and so on , in Chinese box fashion , ad infinitum — or , if not ad infinitum , at least back to Eve , who carried within her a sufficient number of successively smaller homunculi to account for all the future generations of mankind .
15 The figures in Table 4.2 suggest , not that the action project made no difference in delaying institutionalisation , but that in both locations it slightly increased the likelihood of institutional care .
16 He may have agreed that if the goods were in existence he would acquire the ownership of them and if they were not in existence he would get nothing but that in either event he would pay the price .
17 The exact relation of what we see on the vases to what was shown on the walls is something we shall have to consider , but that in some way these vase pictures do reflect the revolution in wall-painting can not be doubted .
18 For example , Vince ( 1952 ) concluded that the primary population had fallen both in numbers and relative proportion during the period 1921–31 , but that in some areas a new ‘ adventitious ’ population was beginning to replace them .
19 Shoreditch 's theory is that MI5 agents were trying to cast proxy votes on behalf of dead people still on the electoral register , but that in some cases they jumped the gun .
20 He must argue not merely that surprise is inefficient and undesirable but that in some circumstances surprise must nevertheless be accepted because of some other , then more important , principle or policy .
21 The reason why Hambledon and Ryedale get different standard spending assessments is not that they are similar but that in some ways they are dissimilar .
22 Indeed we will see that the outcome of the Keynesian view is that monetary policy should be directed at interest rates , rather than the money supply , but that in any case monetary policy should be subsidiary to fiscal policy .
23 Social psychoanalysis , by contrast , takes the view that contemporary character should not merely be explained by reference to contemporary culture and childrearing , but that in any society contemporary childrearing and culture are the consequences of historical changes and that the contemporary individual recapitulates the cultural past and therefore , by a sort of reverse neoteny , experiences in his childhood the traumas and stages of ego- and superego-development which occurred in the adult lives of his ancestors .
24 Only the Queen , with a total annual income from the state of £475,000 , came out at better than American rates — $1,330,000 — but two-thirds of that sum was specifically for maintaining her enormous household .
25 The latter are increasingly available but specific for each kind of snake , so that immediate and accurate identification of the species is essential .
26 But few of those stations were geared to supply materials for the DIY motorist , and deliveries were unreliable or non-existent .
27 The seventeenth- and eighteenth-century writers do describe a number of fruit fools , fools made from gooseberries , raspberries , strawberries , redcurrants , apples , mulberries , apricots , even from fresh figs ; but few of these dishes turn out to be the simple cream-enriched purées we know today .
28 Problem solving is an important part of the work of researchers of all descriptions , as well as medical diagnosticians , archaeologists , translators , historians , detectives , accountants , designers and taxonoms , but few of these fields have contributed to the problem-solving literature ( excepting detective fiction ) .
29 The doctor does n't know it yet , but 2 of these babies have pneumonia .
30 But some of that money can be earned back
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