Example sentences of "but [verb] that [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She had sharp words for those men who believed time spent in women 's company was ‘ mis'employ 'd ’ but admitted that among the ‘ inferior sort ’ , ‘ the Condition of the two Sexes ’ was ‘ more level ’ than among their social superiors .
2 For example , Wagner explicates Mannheim 's project in terms of his historicism but concludes that for an inquiry into ‘ the sociological aspects of ideologies and of knowledge … it might be advisable to select a theoretical basis less dependent on historicistic presuppositions than that offered in Mannheim 's system ’ ( Wagner 1952 : 321 ) .
3 And although the Newsons concede the chicken and egg possibility — do you smack a child because he is delinquent , or is he delinquent because he is smacked ? — they argue that their findings do not support the old belief that sparing the rod spoils the child , but suggest that at the very least , mothers who smack do not succeed in producing non-delinquent children .
4 In his Memoirs he claims feebly he had foreseen the dangers , but believed that with the limited forces available an attack on the Left Bank would have been stopped by the ‘ well-constructed ’ enemy position .
5 We quote a session fee of £25 ( 45 min — 1 hr ) in line with current trends in this market but feel that from every class launched under the auspice of our Business Fitness Scheme , the income of the Society should benefit by a £7 levy per session .
6 Just as Wunis Abdulhadi was able to opt out among friends , but knew that in a conflict he could not walk down the street without danger of attack from Zuwaya , so ‘ the obligation to fight ’ arose from people 's perception that their opponents would assume the worst possible case — — that everyone who had a theoretical obligation to fight would do so .
7 Leech had only a short time to go before his own appointment came to an end , but thought that under the circumstances he should offer his resignation .
8 He is now critical of the British clockmaking industry , but hopes that with the help of a German movement , his new clock will survive longer than the original .
9 If , therefore , minorities created insecurity , in Scotland it was not the crown but the nobility who suffered , making hay , no doubt , while the sun shone , but knowing that in the end the sileage would be the king 's .
10 I think that covers most of the items in the agreement , erm , with some identification of new work that needs to be done during the year , but recognizing that during the course of the year , we have succeeded in following the main points from the agreement that was , was put forward er , I think , it was December this time last year .
11 We would continue to recommend transparency as a useful index in renal clinics , but think that in the light of our findings it is less useful as a screening test in antenatal clinics .
12 I wanted to confess to her once but balanced that against the need to be loved by her .
13 He says it was coincidence that all these Mr Nasty roles came at once , but admits that for a while , playing a succession of evil characters had a rather bad effect on his personal life .
14 He rang me the next day , was very enthusiastic , but apologised that for the following two years he was only doing German opera — but that he would remember me !
15 I accept the need to counter the myth that only a biological mother can adequately care for a child , but to say that in the interests of women 's liberation we will pay anyone except the child 's mother to look after it seems to be going a little far in the opposite direction !
16 But then it was successful in bringing inflation under control , but achieved that at the expense of a rapid increase in unemployment .
17 ITV has accepted that competitive tendering is a proper way of allocating franchises , but argues that in no other area of business are judgments made without trade-offs between quality and price .
18 He concedes that the object-oriented paradigm needs to deal with both large objects ( applications ) and small objects ( down to characters or numbers within files ) , but argues that in the Cobol business context , a fine level of granularity is often not required .
19 The phrasing is ambiguous , perhaps deliberately so , but suggests that for the moment only surveillance was intended .
20 The phrasing is ambiguous , perhaps deliberately so , but suggests that for the moment only surveillance was intended .
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