Example sentences of "but [verb] [pron] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 This situation needs resolution , but to compare it with the rape of Kuwait hardly strengthens your argument against Saddam .
2 Special schools are not therefore designed to isolate mentally handicapped children but to provide them with the specific form of education they require .
3 Further questions on unemployment ‘ people do n't want training they want jobs ’ , homelessness and the NHS left Mr Major a little wobbly but provided him with the best and closing line of the night .
4 Ramsay was less than delighted with the task , but consoled himself with the thought that at least the journey south would take them by Dunbar Castle again , and a call thereat would be possible .
5 He does n't give off that kind of air , but get him with a mate and there 's no stopping him .
6 I remember a horrifying dream I had during one Wimbledon wherein I was sitting on top of a tall step-ladder half-way down the garden in the umpire 's position — not awarding points to the thrusting vegetation below but conducting them with a baton .
7 But mixing it with the hard men of football is no problem for a kid brought up the hard way on the mean streets of Leicester .
8 Older children prefer humour to violence , says Moffat , and when it comes to watching adult television , they like nothing better than soaps like Neighbours and Home and Away , which may tackle tough issues , but approach them with a certain old-fashioned morality , and contain little violence .
9 But if that curtesy were moved by a suit or request of the party that gives the assumpsit , it will bind , for the promise , though it follows , yet it is not naked , but couples itself with the suit before , and the merits of the party procured by that suit , which is the difference .
10 Do n't pull them off but dab them with a little paraffin .
11 Lucien was n't quite sure how he felt about being a second choice , but comforted himself with the knowledge that Garimel had undoubtedly been bought by a less lenient household .
12 My thesis is that the remedy is not to discard voluntary bodies but to infuse them with a new purpose and to make new demands upon them ; and I have suggested that the new purpose is nothing less than to preserve the individuality of man .
13 The tendency in the Council therefore was to seek a sufficient measure of ‘ self-validation ’ to enable institutional progress to be made , but to marry it with the protection of the external validation system which appeared to be the best defence of hard-won standards .
14 Perhaps it is a distinctive signal which ensures that the parents do not eat the piglets but treat them with the restraint and solicitude due to babies .
15 A profane woman , on whom he had committed profane acts ; yet he could not help but see her with the child at her breast as holy .
16 but leaves us with a sense of the characters inhabiting a kind of vacuum or time warp .
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