Example sentences of "but [verb] [subord] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The main aim of the present book is to discuss the theory of psychoanalysis as such ; not to sociologize about it , but to see if it has a contribution to make to sociology itself .
2 A few days ago when I was hooked up to a foetal monitor , a midwife rushed in , not to ask how I was , but to see if I knew the latest on the war .
3 He replied that he did , but asked whether I had tried any of the new generation motion detectors .
4 She swore , but lay where she had fallen .
5 She went to cringe back from him but stilled as he started to unbutton his shirt .
6 Yes , I think we should er , give them something , but seeing as they 've had three hundred pound , I think or less or perhaps two hundred pound , they 've got the five hundred , do they want erm , anything else .
7 really but seeing as I know her erm I thought I might give her a ring .
8 She tried to get to Ana but fainted as she moved .
9 Left to her own devices , Lucy wondered what she should do next , then realised she had little option but to wait until she ran into Silas .
10 He tried a grin , but winced as it hurt him .
11 She set it on the table , avoiding his stare , and made as if to leave , but stopped before she reached the door and looked in his eyes .
12 They would start to jeer at the company , but stopped when they saw the Hearthware sashes and the Myrcan staves and whispered amongst themselves .
13 He began to stride off , but stopped when he drew level with Jessamy .
14 She was scribbling a note , but stopped when she saw Alice , with a smile that was both severe and weak , telling Alice that Pat had not wanted to face the business of goodbyes , and would now hurry through them .
15 Mrs Joe was saying as she came out of the kitchen , ‘ The pie — has — gone ! ’ but stopped when she saw the soldiers .
16 I began to laugh but stopped when I saw my uncle 's white face .
17 He said he had only offered to use the truncheon as a sex aid but desisted when she shook her head .
18 Include also those items which you wanted to have in the past but dismissed because you thought you could not have them or simply forgot about them .
19 She slept deeply while they were on the motorway , but woke as he came into London and had to stop and start in the heavy evening traffic .
20 The idea was considered but rejected because it did not meet the Government 's timetable .
21 Eat what is on offer and enjoy it without guilt , but stop when you have had enough .
22 But wait before you rush to call the NSPCC .
23 You 're a wonderful s you 're a wonderful speaker but wait til I 've finished .
24 ‘ I can imagine how you feel , ’ he replied , ‘ but wait till I 've finished .
25 But wait till you see what the old man did to some of the interior . "
26 that 's not fair , the technology is good and , and very obviously gets over what it 's supposed to get over , that 's terrific , but wait till you see this subject matter
27 But wait till you see the reply Iris .
28 But will the form teacher be able to do as you would do in English and say , but look when you did that written piece on so and so it was goo , the form teacher will not have that detailed knowledge that you will have
29 Three girls came into the line of fire , each wearing a student nurse 's uniform , walking quickly , but gossiping as they went , and laughing , their heads constantly turning to whichever of them took up the conversation .
30 Both clubs were prepared to pay the £700,000 Rovers wanted for the 23-year-old , but withdrew when they heard the player 's wage demands .
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