Example sentences of "'s new [noun sg] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 City : Attalli 's new order of things — one year on Frank Kane finds a Frenchman in the Anglo-Saxon world of banking pleased with progress at the institution he helped to found to rebuild the East
2 I hope that the constitution of the new SARFU will protect rugby 's new scheme of things from the power politics and feuding which for so long bedevilled our rugby .
3 Pretending that general practice is something that it is not runs the risk of people remarking on the emperor 's new suit of clothes .
4 Within a year he found himself commissioned by Peter Mandelson , the Labour Party 's new director of campaigns and communications to write a report on the party 's communications strategy , working towards the 1987 election .
5 Christian Boltanski 's new installation at Lisson ( to 21 November ) is a set of portraits of the autumn 's new enrolment of students at Westminster Community School .
6 It was published to illustrate Ritchin 's article " Photography 's New Bag of Tricks " on 4 November 1984 .
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