Example sentences of "that [prep] [art] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It shows that the public is beginning to realise that for a few pounds spent on car security they can protect their second most expensive purchase , ’ he said .
2 ‘ It shows that the public is beginning to realise that for a few pounds spent on car security they can protect their second most expensive purchase . ’
3 Then , after going on like that for a few minutes he took my hand and said , ‘ Faith you were absolutely rubbish ! ’ with that famous dead-pan expression .
4 So after a week he takes away the bandage , removes the bit of radium , sure enough there 's a bright red radiation burn on his forearm but apart from that he feels fine , he does n't feel ill , he obviously has n't died , er so he said well I 'll leave that for a few weeks and monitor my , my health and see if there 's any long term affects from this exposure to , to radiation .
5 He remained like that for a few seconds longer , while they tied his wrists to a pair of iron rings bolted into the wall , and then they let him go and left him dangling there — half in , half out of the river .
6 He seemed to consider that for a few seconds and then replied , ‘ Maria Luisa needed me around . ’
7 They stayed like that for a few seconds , both breathing hard , their mouths almost touching .
8 This would require that for the same amount of light energy ( measured incident solar radiation has not varied by more than 0.5% since the beginning of the twentieth century ) more carbon is fixed per unit chlorophyll ( the quantum yield has changed ) .
9 What I 'm worried about at the moment is that large numbers of people are buying computers , especially some of the cheaper ones , and my prediction is that after a few weeks , they get put into cupboards , and are n't used , because they are so unfriendly , so hard to use , whereas in principle computers could be very powerful and useful devices in the home .
10 Try saying that after a few gins .
11 Among the names on the list was that of a former Finance Ministry official and that of Soka Gakkai , a lay Buddhist group which had close links to Komeito .
12 No one wants to shoot birds , but we must balance the survival of an entire species against that of a few individuals
13 ‘ Nevertheless , the atmosphere today compared to that of a few weeks ago is more conducive to a satisfactory settlement , ’ concluded Donald .
14 It is anticipated that the system will eventually further develop , in addition to that of a paper-less system , to include , for example , automatic payment of any interim interest due on CDs or provide an automatic ‘ parcelling facility ’ .
15 Its frenzied rejection was very different to that of the many projects listed in the Police Foundation or Home Office Registers of Research mentioned above , most of which are simply ignored and never ever receive any review .
16 This evidence matches that of the many handbooks of canonical , theological , and liturgical material compiled by ( or for ) bishops , which shows their determination to teach their flocks .
17 Second , because its hidden curriculum can be just as undermining to our real intentions as that of the former withdrawal system .
18 Andrew Marvell 's ‘ The Garden ’ , however , offers a quite different mode of retreat than that of the former poet .
19 Thus , as far as the termination and re-grant of a franchise is concerned , Rask suggests that the decision of the EAT in LMCDrains Ltd v Waught ( EAT 182/90 ) , upholding an application of the Regulations , is to be preferred over that of the same court in Robert Seligman Corp v Baker [ 1983 ] ICR 770 , denying their applicability .
20 The body of a cat when hunting takes on a quite different demeanour to that of the same pussy when out for an idle stroll or with some other intention in mind .
21 In this way the strength of smooth glass tested at — 180°. is about twice that of the same glass tested at room temperature .
22 The capital value of a flat-rate pension for a woman , paid from the age of 60 , is about twice as much as that of the same pension for a man paid from age 65 .
23 Theology in all its guises should step down from its exalted position and take its place alongside all other human activities and contribute to an autonomous religion only what is relevant , and that with no more authority than is accorded any other sphere of human endeavour .
24 So training is very easy to implement like that with a few memory cells and a binary decoder .
25 On his last day , feeling a little guilty about sending his wife out shopping , he said , ‘ ’ There 's no need to go shopping today , love , I notice you have a nice bit of boiled ham in the fridge , I 'll have that with a few tomatoes . ' ’
26 One of the themes running through The State of the Prisons is that with a few exceptions , neither numbers nor conditions of prisoners have changed very much since Howard first visited .
27 half a bottle all over his I mean that with a any way , but all over his fucking private parts shave them
28 Now I 've got four letter Ps to do with the voice er and what I want to do is is think about the comparison of aspects of the voice when we have a normal one to one conversation and compare that with the same aspects when we 're making a presentation standing in front of a group .
29 So erm I was thrilled to bits cos that long cupboard that 's in that bedroom , that from the same person that we got the table from .
30 Jacques was also fortunate in that within a few months of taking up his appointment , the government 's public expenditure restrictions imposed in the economic crisis of 1931 were relaxed in 1935- 36 with the restoration of progressive grants and the encouragement of new provision in adult education , outlined in the Board of Education 's Circular 1444 .
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