Example sentences of "that [noun sg] [Wh adv] [pers pn] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 When , after that , we used to hear controversy about Dr Paisley and later heard about his imprisonment in 1966 , because of that afternoon when we heard the gospel preached with power and conviction , we found ourselves tending to take his side in the controversy .
2 And later that afternoon when he drove her home in his car and he seemed unusually quiet , she sensed that he too was remembering that moment .
3 It had just gone four that afternoon when she had her answer .
4 That afternoon when I arrived at Miss Havisham 's house , it was n't Estella who opened the gate , but a cousin of the old lady 's .
5 Mr Clarke said he understood his staff were referred back to that meeting when they contacted Mrs Shephard 's office .
6 Dot thought about that place where they 'd visited him long ago , with soldiers guarding the main gate , and long low buildings surrounded by grass clipped so flat there was nowhere for a running man to hide .
7 The village ha oh that place where they had the erm used goods sale ?
8 ‘ Go to that place where you grew up and tell a local estate agent you want the cheapest thing he 's got .
9 I can still see myself sitting there , relaxed and comforted by the warm drink , and then there was that moment when I decided I would resign .
10 She relived that moment when he 'd reached to click off the bedside light , and those cool blue rays had stolen silently into the room , highlighting the unfamiliar ecstasy she 'd somehow denied herself until now …
11 By now he was used to spending longer and longer periods alone , yet in that moment when she walked away he always experienced a brief sense of loss that made him want to rush after her and beg her not to go .
12 That moment when she had stepped through his office doorway and seen him standing there with Nina .
13 Maybe he had proved to himself that he had recovered his nerve but he had had to hold on very tight at that moment when she had broken .
14 That moment when she had seen him standing on the jetty , a tall dark figure against the bright sun , would remain locked in her memory foever .
15 This time last week it had been , last Saturday , when she and Miguel had spent some time together and she was as happy as she had ever been in her life — until that moment when she discovered just how much of a fool he had made of her …
16 Time passing never softened the impact of that moment when she looked down the table to where Twomey waited for Aunt Tossie to give her attention to the pudding he offered .
17 My mother had a big spread waiting for us that evening When we got cleared up , and then it was time to report to the UDR base for patrol duty .
18 Not since she had walked down her path on that evening when it had all begun had she felt such a sure and unmistakeable feeling of threat and menace .
19 So I forgot about him , at least until that evening when I gave Ellen some practice with the sextant .
20 She had made him his favourite bottom pie and onions for supper that evening when he came in from the fishing , and he had gone back down to Mother Russell 's after , for a few ales .
21 And he was extremely annoyed that evening when he came round at the interval .
22 To the south-east the morning sun was tinting the misted tops of the Macgillycuddy Reeks , and the beauty of it all reminded her again of her father 's remarks to her about Ireland and Corcaguiney on that evening when he broke the news of her betrothal .
23 ‘ I 'll never ferget that night when we got the news she 'd bin drowned . ’
24 She shivered as she recalled the terrible blackness that had invaded her home and had clung to and coated the village on that night when she had heard the voices .
25 At least he would have hot water that night when he returned home — if he had the time to return home .
26 ‘ The doctor had visited the man earlier in the day and said he would be back later that night when he thought the pneumonia would have reached its crisis . ’
27 He was in the bathroom that night when he heard her go .
28 He felt as he had that night when he invoked the power of Callanish to intercede and save Minch 's life .
29 It was like that night when I woke up and the hurricane was there , I could n't turn my lights on or nothing I was shitting myself .
30 That night when I suggested we go upstairs …
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