Example sentences of "that [noun] has [not/n't] [been] " in BNC.

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1 That money has not been declared in the company accounts of Polly Peck .
2 The relevant experiment , by Walcott and Michener , has not escaped criticism ; but it is not the only piece of evidence to go against the sun arc hypothesis , and even if that hypothesis has not been definitely refuted , we can say that such imperfect evidence as there is counts against it .
3 In the 1950s and early 1960s the , then , Ministry of Public Buildings and Works ( now English Heritage ) sponsored the rescue excavation of a considerable number of cemeteries , but the enthusiasm of that support has not been matched by the rate of publication , to the extent that it is very difficult to comment on excavation methods during that period .
4 Do I discern that skating has not been a frequent pleasure in these parts ? ’
5 That level has not been achieved anywhere in the community .
6 But that plea has not been accepted by the crown .
7 Another agency may therefore apply for an EPO if it disagrees with the recommendation of the case conference or that recommendation has not been acted upon by the local authority .
8 Because that question has not been posed .
9 That lady has n't been reported missing , and she is definitely fully adult .
10 That adjustment has not been without its advantages , in fact .
11 The disparity is acknowledged in the Bill with an attempt at a discount scheme , but that disparity has not been overcome .
12 That plan has not been mentioned recently , ( although it must still be a live prospect ) mainly because New Zealand are not yet convinced that rugby in South Africa will soon be integrated to the satisfaction of all sporting groups in the Republic .
13 In the post-colonial state , that separation has not been completed because labour has not become fully commoditized .
14 Er that is that at least three of the articles are talking to quoting different organisations er suggested that the playhouse theatre trust had been recommended to do something about their marketing er a at least two years ago if not longer ago erm certainly it 's my knowledge er they have not employed specialists to that they have not employed a specialist to that indeed since the last er appointed publicity officer left , that person that post has not been er refilled er could I ask the theatre trust why they have chosen not taken that recommendation seriously ?
15 If a reader in the year 2040 , let us say , needs to see large-scale mapping of the villages of the Yorkshire Dales covering the period 1995–2040 , he/she could find that that record has not been preserved in any library .
16 Numbers of young women have told me that they look upon life in quite a different light now that they learn that nature has not been so cruel to them , as to give them but the choice of a married life , in which probably all the highest aims of life must be sacrificed , and the wife reduced to the level of a breeding animal , or a life of celibacy .
17 whether proceedings upon indictment may be stayed on the grounds of prejudice resulting from delay in the institution of those proceedings even though that delay has not been occasioned by any fault on the part of the prosecution ;
18 whether proceedings upon indictment may be stayed on the grounds of prejudice resulting from delay in the institution of those proceedings even though that delay has not been occasioned by any fault on the part of the prosecution ;
19 ‘ ( i ) whether proceedings upon indictment may be stayed on the grounds of prejudice resulting from delay in the institution of those proceedings even though that delay has not been occasioned by any fault on the part of the prosecution ; ( ii ) if the answer to ( i ) above is in the affirmative what is the degree of : ( a ) the likelihood and ( b ) the seriousness of any prejudice which is required to justify a stay of such proceedings .
20 If that departure has not been wholly amicable and an adjustment arises which increases an individual 's tax liability , there is the prospect of prolonged discussions with former partners and possibly problems of collectability as far as the Revenue is concerned .
21 They would like to call it the ‘ Welsh Open ’ if that title has not been used before .
22 That claim has not been repeated , despite reports of many bombing runs against the Guard by America 's gigantic B-52s .
23 That claim has not been borne out for today 's designs , but such contracts can not easily be broken .
24 That ground has not been strongly urged and I leave it out of account , but so far as the other grounds are concerned I am satisfied that there is validity in that criticism and those are matters which ought to have been taken into account and , being matters which are relevant , in my judgment , that is a reason why this appellate court can and should intervene .
25 The fact that pollution still exists is not sufficient to establish that policy has not been tough enough .
26 The company has had talks with AT&T 's Unix System Laboratories , who were not initially too receptive , although that door has n't been closed .
27 That suggestion has not been made to me .
28 Many people believe that the increased coverage is contributing to the ‘ greening of public opinion ’ but detailed research evidence to support that assumption has not been carried out .
29 French-bred Bassetja had some useful form on the other side of the English Channel before coming to Ulster and that form has not been lost on the Turf Club handicapper who has given Bassetja a weight of nine stone 11 in the handicap on Monday .
30 Despite two written letters to er the District General Manager , that report has n't been forthcoming .
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