Example sentences of "that [noun] [vb mod] be [that] " in BNC.

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1 I mean and I think it is the lack of the regulate the er the regulatory control of city actions , I mean one of the points that we 've been recently been advised on is that one of the city institutions which has already been er fined , er from its London office on a technicality is in effect the New York and London offices are deemed to be one entity and I think that er what we 've been advised is that erm I forget the phrase , I wrote it down here somewhere , that what we would be advised to do is to take action against that particular city institution in New York , because that er it is deemed that the London and New York actions are in fact one and that the that er what in fact the er and I think the f yes , there it is , that , that in a way though what we 've been advised is that the basis of that action would be that the organisations London and New York operations are essentially the same operation and bound by a strict know your customer rule as mandated by U S Securities Law , you know .
2 The answer to that question would be that the Council 's actually the Councillors adopt an equal opportunity policy and that policy now has been adopted by the theatre trust and the theatre trust would n't put anything on if they feel sexist or racist or ageist .
3 That answer will be that we , they , th British Coal will not give an increase this year .
4 Erm so I really do n't know , I mean i tt in a sense I , I sort of feel that , that justice would be that , that our division would come out reasonably well from these discussions
5 Very briefly , Peter Davis , North Yorkshire County Council , you raised the issue of procedures looking at the er post two thousand and six scenario within the light of er a statutory greenbelt er at that time , and I would envisage that the County Council and the Districts , if indeed we 're all er in business at er er in in in the next century , would probably want to run a similar sort of exercise that they would be ran through the end of the eighties , and that is to sit down together , er and look at all the options , er that are available for Greater York , in the same way that they did it in ninety eighty nine , one additional factor at that time would be that er the greenbelt would be statutory , and it would be statutory if the County Council and ninety five percent of the district support on sites would be a tight greenbelt so the options would be looked at erm er in that context , on the comments that er Miss Whittaker , erm questions that Miss Whittaker raised , there is a paper that the County Council produced for the greenbelt local plan enquiry that I remember well as N Y Two , which set out in detail the various components , erm of the York greenbelt in addition to the historic title that the that the focus of the green belt comes across a variety of of of of matters , and if it if it is helpful to this panel that document was acceptable by and large , supported by the District , we can certainly put that in , and can circulate it round .
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