Example sentences of "as can [be] [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 Another qualification that should be made to the picture of a rising trend in women 's paid work is that , as can been seen in figure 10.1 , participation in full-time employment has not risen .
2 As can be observed in the operation of heat , light , electricity , magnetism and chemical reactions .
3 The head , body and arms rise upwards and outwards in all the happy emotions as can be seen in the final dances of The Sleeping Beauty , La Fille Mal Gardée and Daphnis and Chloë .
4 This study showed up some fascinating differences : the figurative pieces — small models of porcupines , antelopes and so on — showed no convincing evidence for quantisation , but the geometric pieces did , as can be seen in the frequency charts of the weights ( fig.9.5 ) .
5 But with the Renaissance there was a return to the individualised portraits of antiquity , as can be seen in the portrait of the next king , Henry VIII .
6 The metamorphic gneisses throughout the Hebrides have been eroded to a gentle , undulating landscape as can be seen in central Lewis .
7 Nevertheless , as can be seen in Table 13 , a small proportion of patients admitted to the general hospital after self-injury have used very dangerous methods ( e.g. jumping from buildings , jumping in front of vehicles , hanging , and drowning ) and yet have survived .
8 It is the complexity of the decoding and responding that seems to be under-represented in this model , as can be seen in the communication model if the following is substituted :
9 Variations in size , shape and colour are merely peculiarities of the original , as can be seen in many other wild and domesticated species .
10 Tom showed this by running the fingers firmly down the outside of the horse 's face along the line of the teeth as can be seen in photos , three , four and five .
11 The same thing as can be seen in certain breeds of dogs ; hip dysplasia is a typical example .
12 Here lay the spur to innovation , as can be seen in the Norman and Flemish accounting systems , which combined the techniques of survey and inquest with the new arithmetic to protect and increase the revenues available to the duke of Normandy and the count of Flanders .
13 We can express the above information as In fact MV must equal PT since both measure the same set of economic transactions in two different ways : indeed we can only observe P , T , and M , so V can not be calculated independently of the rest of the variables in the equation , as can be seen in our example .
14 As can be seen in Table 1 , throughout this century there has been a large decline in private renting , and a corresponding increase in owner-occupation and council housing , which began to get under way after the First World War .
15 Occasionally the same design could serve both purposes , as can be seen in Figure 6 where the single version is intended for a retired couple , the double for two families of labourers .
16 The difficulty with this philosophy , however , is that it can be taken to the extreme , as can be seen in some Local Education Authorities ( LEAs ) which have an all-out integration policy .
17 As can be seen in Figure 1 , the inducible complex obtained with each of the three probes ( shown by the dark arrow ) can not be ‘ supershifted ’ or inhibited by using anti-IL-6DBP antibodies .
18 As can be seen in Figure 7.1 , the combined effect of the tax and benefit changes in the period since 1978–9 have been dramatic .
19 Lady Dorothy was a lively and captivating young girl , as can be seen in the portrait by G. F. Watts [ q.v. ] , painted in Florence at the age of seventeen .
20 The relative importance may change , as can be seen in the increasing importance of mechanical weathering in cold and dry climates .
21 By March 1992 the Treasury was projecting an increase in the budget deficit ( i.e. the PSBR ) from 14bn in 1991/2 to a high of 32bn by 1993/4 , as can be seen in Table 16.2 .
22 This remains an attractive option for some educators as can be seen in the Design Council supported Design Dimension Project ( Baynes , 1985 ) and there are echoes of it in many of LEA programmes supported by the Arts in Schools Project ( Schools Curriculum Development Committee , 1986a , 1986b and 1986c ) .
23 As can be seen in figure women in Nepal and the Ivory Coast spend the majority of their time in housework , whilst the men spend very little time .
24 English is of this type , as can be seen in any multiple language notice , say on an international flight .
25 The aisles are also rib vaulted as can be seen in Fig. 293 .
26 Durham is one of the very few ecclesiastical buildings in England to retain its original clerestory windows ( as can be seen in Fig. 294 of the exterior ) .
27 The vaulted ceilings of the palace interiors are unusual , as can be seen in the plaited swirls in the Vladislav Hall and in the Old Diet Chamber .
28 As can be seen in Figure 6.4 , ‘ produce weekly payroll ’ at the top level can be broken into ‘ validate weekly return ’ , ‘ calculate gross wage ’ , ‘ calculate deductions ’ and ‘ print wages slip ’ .
29 As can be seen in Table II , 33 children ( 37% ) were still constipated , on laxatives or soiling .
30 As can be seen in Table III , children who recovered were similar to both groups of the children who did not in sex distribution , age at initial evaluation and onset of constipation , stool frequency , percentage of patients with stool withholding , history of urinary tract infection , and stool retention .
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