Example sentences of "as well as [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 It 's just that I think that they do n't publicize a lot of the services as well as they might do .
2 Nevertheless , Mitchell points out that it is of the nature of commitment to come to terms with what may count against one 's own beliefs as well as what may count for them .
3 This is also true of the Marxist , or more strictly , Gramscian approach to the question of permissiveness , taken by Stuart Hall and others , as well as what might be termed the ‘ Foucauldian ’ position .
4 It is unprofitable to speculate as to the theme or subject — only the feet and parts of the lower bodies of two figures , as well as what might be a phallus or cornucopia , remain .
5 Those limits have created the need to ration what is available , as well as what ought to be developed .
6 This can not be done from behind a desk as it requires direct observation of the operation , sometimes for an extended period , to find out what is actually done on site as well as what should be done .
7 Since the interviewer is looking for a reliable , self-confident , honest individual who knows how to be friendly without being irritatingly overfamiliar it is sensible to know some of the basic body language that will work against you as well as what will cause a favourable reaction .
8 The new media offer , as it were , a prism through which we are better able to understand the existing structures of broadcasting : the threat makes it easier to appreciate what will vanish as well as what will come about .
9 In a perfect world the course should have lasted not one year but three — but there were neither the time or resources ; nor can one train trainers as well as one would like in a field where there are as yet no models to emulate and no specific literature .
10 Of course , acronyms do not always work as well as one would hope .
11 As a TO one wants to do as well as one can , and the paradox is that the better one does in a sense the worse it is for the voluntary movement , who should be persuaded to do the maximum rather than the minimum .
12 As well as anything can be in this house . ’
13 " As well as you could expect , I guess . "
14 It 's over hurdles as well that could be good for a laugh especially if er you do n't clear them as well as you should do .
15 things to do when you ca n't even do the old things as well as you want to and as well as you should be doing ?
16 After isolating the problem , investigate it as quickly as possible , resolve it , make sure as well as you can that the system does n't allow it to happen again , and proceed at full steam to collect whatever balance you and your customer have agreed upon .
17 Getting these two sets of very different people to work for a common cause is n't always easy but , as well as you can , make sure both understand that :
18 Hunter observed that ‘ … the whole viscera when all the Blood is press 'd out goes into a very little bulk , even the Liver will lose vastly of its bulk and in short the whole viscera will come into a small compass when they are well clean 'd and put into dry cloths ; you are then to go to the trunk of the Body and empty it of Blood as well as you can and press the Blood out from the Face , Hands , etc. as well as Arms , and the more Blood is pressed out the better ’ .
19 Having cleaned the mirror surface as well as you can , you must then cover it with a sheet of clear glass cut to the same size , that has also been well cleaned .
20 Yeah and er look I think the process is that you do work and you feel passionate about it , you wan na do it the best you think you 've done it as well as you can do it , and then you put it out in whatever form , in a T V series like Love Hurts or on stage like Alfie , or in an album like Midnight Postcards and you then just pray and hope that people want to listen to you , want to watch you , want to hear you .
21 And I went very red as well as you can imagine .
22 Only to take every opportunity to go to the school and get to know it as well as you can , I think , erm and do n't be afraid to ask questions .
23 I know that some British civil servants are making considerable efforts to improve erm in these terms but erm I think we 've still got a long way to go in appreciating the importance of at least being able to understand somebody else 's language , erm even if you ca n't always erm communicate in it as well as you can in your own .
24 Yes , that 's true , what so you have to hold the phone away from your ear , and then everybody else in the office can hear the conversation as well as you can .
25 Short of employment , barring a difficult business of protecting his brother 's interests here , as Waleran is protecting Robert 's over in Normandy , as well as he can , this one enjoys putting the fox among the fowls , especially two such spurred and hackled cockerels as your prior and Ramsey 's Herluin .
26 When I say , I can do it as well as he can do it , I can do that !
27 Next , having reviewed , as well as he could , his work at the office , and made a courageous but unsuccessful attempt to remember whether there was any urgent correspondence he had n't dealt with , he let his thoughts return to Nenna .
28 But the Union is not faring as well as it might think .
29 Did this , he was asked yesterday , mean that the economy had not been managed as well as it might have been during the Thatcher years ?
30 The talk was a little on the short side , but even so did not hold the attention as well as it might have .
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