Example sentences of "as he [verb] [adv] from " in BNC.

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1 A MAN suspected of drunken driving was under arrest last night after a father-of-four was mown down and killed as he cycled home from work .
2 He was run down as he cycled home from the shops .
3 THE death of a father-of-four , mown down as he cycled home from the shops , has brought tragic memories flooding back for a young mother .
4 A MAN who killed a father-of-four as he cycled home from a shopping trip had drunk five pints of lager , a court heard yesterday .
5 Martin Clarke , who will serve only half the term , was three times over the legal limit when he struck David Adams as he cycled home from the supermarket on 21 December .
6 Bill 's nightmare started when he was taken to hospital after being hit by a car as he returned home from a fishing trip .
7 Then at the appropriate moment , he unfurled a battered black umbrella , shielding his camera as he came down from the car .
8 Yesterday , even as he took over from Mr Krenz , he was speculating that he might soon lose his job if the East German parliament decided to replace the Council of State with an executive president .
9 A gruel of rain , threatening to thicken into snow , had begun to fall as he journeyed in from Kennedy , and the weather reports promised cold and more cold .
10 Peter McBride , who has two young children , was hit in the back as he sprinted away from a Scots Guards patrol in Belfast 's republican New Lodge area .
11 As he crawled away from the burning wreckage he thought he was surrounded by trees .
12 That first time , he could n't be sure , it was after midnight , too dark to tell , her belly and her legs lay like patches of moonlight on the ground , he could n't be sure , but as he lifted away from her he thought he smelt that rich , metallic smell .
13 They think the murderer may have been seen as he ran away from the hotel .
14 Synchronised football — Alton 's Dave Miller shows nice control as he turns away from his Fleetlands opponent .
15 As he turns away from the grave ( symbolically as well as literally ) he meets , beside the yew-tree ( traditional symbol of death ) a Girl whose appearance is strikingly unusual .
16 As he straightened up from adjusting the wick , he stared at me .
17 He seemed to rouse himself , and as he stepped away from the wall his mask was back in place .
18 ‘ That would make the buyer as cheap as the seller , ’ he said flatly as he stepped away from the wall .
19 ‘ I feel sorry for that woman , ’ thought the bachelor as he stepped down from the train at the next station .
20 ‘ Welcome to Broadstairs , ’ announced Sir Thomas expansively as he stepped down from the railway carriage , flicking a practised hand towards a porter .
21 Now it was a pillar of darkness covering him from the eyes of the watch as he stepped out from the trees and walked steadily across the open space of grass .
22 ‘ All right , then , ’ said his Dad , putting his hand on Philip 's shoulder as he got up from the table .
23 He recounted all this without any anger or bitterness , but as he got up from his chair to go to the kitchen I had to turn away rather than watch him move around his flat as though he were still hampered by chains .
24 There 'll be nobody in at this hour ! ’ he repeated loudly , to the men behind as he got down from the jeep .
25 Ackroyd 's strange experience began one day as he looked out from his lonely signal box .
26 Damian said impatiently as he strode away from Passport Control .
27 Yet here , on the verge of the Lowlands , most of the gentry had hedged their bets ; some had even entertained the Butcher as he progressed triumphally from one massacre to the next and had then bought over the gutted glens and stocked them with the great sheep .
28 Gandalf remarks at the same time that he sent Gwaihir the eagle to watch the River ; presumably he was the eagle Aragorn saw , but thought nothing of , as he stared out from Amon Hen on the first page of The Two Towers .
29 No one could have known that he no longer heard the park sounds for the pounding in his temples , or that his feet felt iron-clad as he walked away from the woman he longed to hold in his arms .
30 Lee watched the policeman 's back as he walked away from her and saw Rokeya , her crimson lipstick smeared down over her chin , her navy robe ruffled and gold-trimmed , her eyes watering involuntarily .
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