Example sentences of "as you will [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 This all has great relevance to the regular runner as you will soon see .
2 This is not the book of a scholar , as you will soon realize , but that of a genuine enthusiast .
3 A single bloom is one with a single circlet of five petals , as you will invariably find in the wild rose of the hedgerow and , of course , in a number of the modern bred varieties as well .
4 As you will probably know , if you think you can do better by making independent provision , you are not obliged to remain in SERPS but instead can invest in a personal pension .
5 As you will probably find gingers , greys , coppers , yellows and browns as well as the main colour in your irises — pick one of those .
6 Then go through the sleeving procedure and , according to type of handle , apply knots to secure , but no ‘ Granny ’ knots please as you will possibly have to make adjustments later .
7 The dances of the Concerti da camera ( Nos. 9–12 ) are engagingly portrayed , as you will quickly find in the Allemande and Corrente of the Ninth Concerto , for example , and there are some pleasing arabesques from the plucked string continuo .
8 As you will certainly need to use technical terms at some point in your writing , you inevitably have to face the two main problems they present .
9 Do not accept offers of tea or coffee if this is your problem as you will then give yourself the further anxiety of controlling the cup and saucer .
10 As you will often have to sell your own work , it helps to be a good and persuasive talker who gets on well with people inside and outside the agency .
11 He said , to Caterina , ‘ No one as pretty as you will ever wear glasses . ’
12 It is obviously every bit as important to respect the wild flowers in a foreign country as it is in one 's own , and not to pick large quantities of anything as you will only need a few pieces to create a floral souvenir of your trip .
13 NB If an advertisement says , ‘ write for application form ’ then keep the letter very brief and without personal details as you will only have to repeat them on the form later .
14 Overfilling the bags is a false economy as you will swiftly ruin the contents , making them bent , crushed or torn .
15 But , ’ he went on , deliberately hitting a harder tone , ‘ as you will entirely appreciate , sir , there is a man 's own sense of his own honour .
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