Example sentences of "as i [verb] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Leo , she said warningly , ‘ I have had as much as I intend taking for one day .
2 The rain which is making conditions up here decidedly unpleasant is as I speak seeping through the rocks and creating foaming torrents underground , flooding caverns and making passages impassable .
3 I 'd known her , and her husband Alan Rakoff , for a long time and as I began searching for someone to play Barbara I just found myself thinking about her .
4 They emerged as I began thinking about and writing about the data I collected .
5 However , as I start walking in the direction of the lake he merely steps into stride .
6 I 'm the same , erm , I spend as much as time driving as I do sitting in stock
7 I flinch , and Rachel starts up from the floor as I begin stumbling through some kind of introduction .
8 As I sat listening to Dr Bowie and his statistician talking at the press conference called to launch their report , carefully explaining the origin of the figures , I realized the significance of this news .
9 So Wilson and I were quite chummy together , and he looked at me approvingly through his thick-lensed glasses as I sat talking with his wife about , for instance , winter tasks .
10 ‘ Well , then , ’ he went on , ‘ much as I enjoy looking at the top of your head , I did ask a question .
11 Or again late at night as I stood shivering at my bedroom window looking out on the frosted garden , unable to sleep and unable to understand why .
12 As I stood hesitating in the doorway , Miss Kenton appeared at my side and said : ‘ Mr Stevens , I have a little more time than you at the moment .
13 But the painting said nothing at all to me as I stood gazing at it .
14 The bus was cosy and , as I stood dangling from a strap with the other excess passengers , someone asked the driver if Hampstead Road was still closed off to traffic going north .
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