Example sentences of "as we leave the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ward took the wheel as we left the hotel , but instead of heading south , he turned north , and when Iris Sunderby remonstrated with him , all he said was , ‘ Chanchán .
2 Stan 's voice came over the loudspeaker as we left the quay and headed sea wards .
3 [ PC. 2. ] commented as we left the scene ,
4 Rev Stanley Boreman conducted the simple Congregational marriage ceremony , and as we left the church the sun shone quite perfectly for the rather amateur cameras who had survived the bombing the record that happy event .
5 But as we left the tarmac road and headed up the hill I made a grave error .
6 Rachel , you see , overheard us as we left the hall in Richmond Palace .
7 I nearly always won , as I remember ; and as we left the club or the hall I would make quite a show of hailing a taxi , offering to drop Julian off at the nearest tube .
8 Bellamy exchanged wild shots with MacLane as we left the captain in the middle of the road .
9 As we left the site I took a photograph of a Roman bridge .
10 Sitting on the bus , still with my cap on my lap to avoid attracting attention , it struck me that the whole world changed within a mile or two as we left the town .
11 As we left the hospital he joked with the staff , saying , ‘ Do n't worry , I wo n't ever let her come back again . ’
12 How much cheese did you managed to pocket as we left the cell , Benny ? ’
13 I nodded , and she put her hand on my arm as we left the room .
14 As we leave the womb , enter the world and grow , and get over the initial wonder of walking , we change our pre-natal wheelchair for a series of substitute wheelchairs — bicycles , motor-cycles , cars , taxis , buses , trains , aeroplanes — and chairs ( in houses , schools , offices ; anywhere where people gather and sit ) .
15 The little girl seems to have forgotten the incident and stops feeding her new doll to return my wave as we leave the dining room .
16 He phoned the Lammermuirs , and Menotti il Salvatore ‘ SHALL we sin ? ’ he asks as we leave the dining room .
17 As we leave the garage and head for the house , Lonnie , Asaad and Isaac meet us halfway .
18 But as we rise and dress , as we leave the house to walk to the shop and buy a paper , it ebbs away , this false spring .
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