Example sentences of "as she [vb past] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A woman needed hospital treatment after being attacked by a parrot as she walked her dog at Ashleworth , near Gloucester .
2 The grim discovery was made by a woman as she walked her dog at around 7.30am .
3 A wide smile of welcome broke over her face as she brought her niece into focus .
4 And I made sure it was where it could n't be missed soon as she brought her cup out to the kitchen .
5 He still however was in a sufficient bad temper to punch Jocelyn in the mouth as she brought him tea .
6 ‘ There you are , Mr Wilson , ’ Maisie was saying , as she twirled her skirt above her legs like a cancan dancer — ‘ knees ! ’
7 Miles watched as she levelled her harpoon and drew back her arm .
8 Her body was racked by sobs , muffled as she pressed her head against his chest .
9 Water swilled over the harbour road but Rain was already so wet she barely noticed as she splashed her way towards the town .
10 He 'd deserved it , she told herself , deliberately fanning the flames of anger again as she tugged her gown over her shoulders .
11 Someone tapped at the door , and a spasm flickered across his features as she released her breath in a tiny hissing sound .
12 She knew she was n't looking her best at the moment , but they looked the type to know quality when they saw it she thought , as she fluttered he awnings at them , colourless now , tattered and torn by the wind .
13 Bourgois approached Lizzie Lamplugh as she parked her car outside her home in Oxford , Mr David Bright , prosecuting , said .
14 Marie-Christine must be riding high in local esteem , Sabine thought as she parked her car in the square , and walked up the steps to the mairie with the other guests .
15 It was this that had precipitated Charley 's act of violence towards Rose , whom he had grabbed as she parked her car , forcing her to drive to the van .
16 ‘ God ! ’ frank groaned , as she relaxed her grip and eased him back .
17 Sparks flew as she tidied her hair ;
18 She sighed as she tidied her hair , which hung to her shoulder-blades , curling tightly .
19 She made a little rite of soaking her feet in a corn cure called ‘ Reudel ’ , and as she lowered her feet into the bowl of steaming water there was again that little look , that narrowing of the eyes and pursing of the lips , which said so much with so little disturbance of her features .
20 He held a marble lighter towards her and said as she lowered her head to the flame , ‘ Filthy , is n't it ? ’ nodding towards the rain at the window .
21 He scrutinised her closely as she lowered her legs to the floor and his hand went out as she stood .
22 The grazie that escaped from her was barely audible and as she lowered her eyes in what appeared to be a motion of submission Sandison suddenly felt small and mean and condescending .
23 On the whole , she thought as she grilled her lamb chop , tossed the broad beans from cullender to plate and regarded the ginger-haired Tobias who had curled up companionably on a copy of the parish magazine in the centre of the kitchen table , it 's an icon of paradise : a garden I did not make , a house I 'm only partly responsible for and , above all , no human contacts unless I seek them out .
24 As she touched his skin a noise escaped from Edward , an exact match for what he felt .
25 She smiled again as she touched his cheek .
26 He only came to life when she began unbuttoning his trousers , for as she touched his fly buttons , so he grabbed at his belt .
27 Her hand shook as she replaced her coffee-cup .
28 Lisa drained her cocoa mug and leaned back in her chair , smiling as she recalled their conversation .
29 ‘ I 'm not saying kissing you was n't quite pleasant , as kisses go , ’ she informed him as calmly as she could , desperately trying to disguise the way her heart was pounding with fear as she recalled her reactions to that kiss .
30 Earlier , Mrs Dart had sobbed as she recalled her daughter 's fear of confined spaces .
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