Example sentences of "as they do not [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 In Athens , where I was competing alongside Nigel Walker and Lesley-Ann Skeet , two of our best hurdlers , I noticed some spots appearing here and there on my body , but as they did n't bother me , I ignored them .
2 And that , as long as they did n't expect me to turn up to every committee meeting .
3 The strip search seemed fairly pointless , inasmuch as they did n't go through my pockets .
4 People could think what they liked about her mental state , as long as they did n't stand in her way .
5 As soon as I saw you riding , I knew you 'd make it — so long as they did n't get to you .
6 Course if they started cutting up rough , then I 'd cut up rough but as long as they did n't interfere with me , I did n't interfere with them . ’
7 The British could leave and half India would n't notice us leaving just as they did n't notice us arriving .
8 The group did little other than a few acts of minor sabotage , as they did n't have the arms to take on the Nazi army .
9 The islanders did n't have money then , and as they did n't have money they did n't know what ‘ poor ’ meant .
10 This also meant that they could get away earlier at night after the show , as they did n't need to wait for the curtain .
11 The plebeians are a bit thick , as they did n't see through Caesar .
12 If his guests picked up some pleasant female company at her party then that was fine … as long as they did n't enjoy that same female company on the premises .
13 Such pains and miseries as they did not feel , they acted out : acting , indeed , at this level of ham had not been seen since the last World Cup , or the Peter O'Toole Macbeth .
14 To do otherwise would be to break the long-established political tradition of allowing people to hold whatever views they liked , so long as they did not break the law or urge others to do so .
15 The Conservative Party continued the Labour practice of remaining aloof , though never actively criticising attempts at European union as long as they did not threaten what Britain conceived to be its own vital interests .
16 Such an attitude reflected the determination to decapitate the lower classes , in so far as they did not shed their potential leaders spontaneously by absorption into the lower middle class .
17 Our cell culture experiments do not support this suggestion as they did not show the synergy between EGF and TAGH that would be predicted , but because of the inhibitory effect of TAGH alone at the concentrations used , they can not refute this possibility .
18 As they did not regard the existing ‘ Democratic Republic ’ as representative of the people of Annam and Tonkin ( the question of Cochinchina tended not to be raised ) this obviously ruled out serious negotiation .
19 At best they were regarded as a distraction , if not a danger ; the assumption being that as they did not smoke or play outdoor games , ‘ they devote themselves … to inducing lads to leave humming-tops and marbles , and cleave only to them ’ .
20 Most of them arose as a result of an all-Russian phenomenon in 1922 — the lack of co-ordination and exchange of information between the centre and the localities , together with nonchalant neglect of provincial problems so long as they did not affect central political issues .
21 Even among senior players , outside pursuits were tolerated only so long as they did not affect a player 's performance or make football of secondary importance to him .
22 No further steps were taken until 28th October , 1857 , when Wilson wrote to Hall , on behalf of the Lords of the Treasury , saying that as they did not want to incur additional expenditure on architects ' fees for further rejected plans for the Foreign Office , they had looked at Pennethorne 's plans and would use those .
23 ‘ International companies in particular were impressed as they did not want to move their top people into a cultural desert .
24 The Home Office sent a detective to report on the movements of ‘ the French people ’ — they were assumed to be foreign as they did not have a Somerset accent .
25 He added that this order would leave it open to the Press to deal with the questions of principle so far as they did not apply them to the facts .
26 Nevertheless , so long as they did not organise — and sometimes even when they did — the workers themselves provided their employers with a solution to the problem of labour management : by and large they liked to work , and their expectations were remarkably modest .
27 He could make concessions to his allies and all would be well so long as they did not come into conflict with one another .
28 As she was still at school , she had been assigned a tutor but this had stopped as they did not get on .
29 Secondly , the Rules were flawed in so far as they did not seem to anticipate the possibility of problems created by the piecemeal acquisition of bonds either by occasional buying out or by gift .
30 The two ladies at the head of the little queue whispered together , then announced that if Mr Carter had no objection they would be happy to oblige Mr Mullings , as they did not like to think of Mrs Mullings having to face a storm unprotected .
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