Example sentences of "as it [be] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Clear as it is that the terms of intra-bloc trade deteriorated from the USSR 's point of view in the 1970s , the issue deserves to be treated with a degree of wariness .
2 Again to quote Hopwood ( 1984 , p. 179 ) : ‘ Accounting , by shaping the realm of the visible , can have a major impact on the significance that is attached to both organizational life as it is and the directions of change which are considered desirable . ’
3 And just as it was that the woman was instrumental in the fall of the human race , so it was that another woman was instrumental in its restoration .
4 recover the text as it was before the editorial operation began .
5 I do not think that the problem which we have to solve is really assisted by considering in what respect his position is the same quoad the landlord as it was before the order was made .
6 In other words , to is used here to evoke : ( a ) the situation as it was before the infinitive 's event was realized , and ( b ) the movement of the support of the infinitive 's event from position ( a ) to the realization of this event .
7 She said : ‘ We are trying to re-establish the Lord Mayoralty as it was before the city had its pantomime period , ’ a reference to the time the Militant-dominated council abolished the position of Lord Mayor and replaced it with a Labour chairman .
8 ( Note that these figures are for a hypothetical population with the life history given by a , not for the life history as it was while the lines were selected . )
9 they use er , a very sort of sparse unpopulated area obviously and so you do get erm plants and animals having to , well change it so that they , er you take as it were that the genes changed , some does mutation probably alright , some probably not .
10 There the ego has become so fragmented and is so er erm sick as it were that the id has overwhelmed it and the reality sense is lost .
11 Can you remember I mean what they sa what the actual steps as it were when the , you know , when the kids stop look and listen when you do your look left again .
12 Presentation techniques , a few things here that might help you in terms of making it interesting as it were and the actual delivery of your training your posture , keep your posture erect , but relaxed I do n't really know what that means but er er stand up .
13 and how he 'd seen prison and er they 'd said they had n't any prisons but he found one and erm hospitals and all that sort of thing and at the end of the week 's visit erm one of the very high ups , whom he named and I 've forgotten the name of him , I think I 'll just use that , thank you erm sent for h he , he was brought before him as it were and the man said to him are there any questions er at the end of your week that you want to ask and he said well perhaps there is one he said erm Winston Churchill was here erm a month or two , a few months ago
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