Example sentences of "as the [adj] [noun sg] could " in BNC.

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1 He bombarded Burghley with schemes for exploiting Newfoundland in 1585 and 1586 , interestingly proposing the financing of one of them on the tontine principle , but they involved impractical proposals , as the international fishery could not be controlled by any one country except at vast expense .
2 It is not always necessary to have the entire object — a broken piece of the rim of a plate can give us nearly as much information as the entire plate could have done .
3 And , as the cardboard cylinder could be removed and replaced without crinkles , the recording retained its clarity .
4 Even this provision is not cast iron , however , as the Spanish State could ‘ move the goal posts ’ and change the law to render the agreement unenforceable .
5 The Headmaster expressed his concurrence with the suggestion as the Technical School could supply subjects of instruction not dealt with at a Grammar School , and stated that he had under consideration a scheme as to classes and fees having this object in view . "
6 In many areas , the volume of rainwater would often lead to problems as the main sewer could not cope , so here the downpipes are connected to a drainshoe : this is connected directly to a separate drainage system .
7 He founded himself on the principle that an alteration of the terms of the lease agreed between the landlord and the assignee binds the original lessee because the assignee has been put into the shoes of the original lessee and can do all such things as the original lessee could have done .
8 All who have given thought to the matter agree that an apparatus as complex as the human eye could not possibly come into existence through single-step selection .
9 It is therefore to be recommended , especially as the bass trombone could then be dropped out with safety , and could supply the E and F in the second bar below the tune ( and similar harmonic parts in the succeeding bars not given here ) .
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