Example sentences of "as it [verb] [prep] her " in BNC.

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1 Bernice shouted , as it dawned on her what was going on .
2 ‘ All right , all right , ’ she quickly agreed as it dawned on her that if he was who she thought he was then she was going about it completely the wrong way if she hoped for an interview .
3 But , as she all at once realised that he thought , actually thought , that she had been pumping his secretary about him , so a tide of pink warmed her cheeks , and , ‘ Nothing ! ’ she exclaimed hotly , more startlement hitting her as it dawned on her that this then was the reason for his fury when he 'd seen them together .
4 Then , even as it dawned on her that the flowers had probably been placed there by lovers , so , as she looked up again into the dark eyes of the tall Czechoslovakian , she all at once knew why it was that her breath had caught a few seconds ago .
5 Tallis , huddled in her furs , watched this naked apparition as it stalked towards her .
6 ‘ Ross — I do wish that … ’ she began , hoping even at this last moment for some word , some sign that the scorching , torrid passion that had exploded between them in the Hamptons had meant as much to him as it had to her .
7 He was leaning down , his spear arm back , the gleaming bronze blade wavering as it came towards her .
8 Even if he now commanded her , as he was undressing , to open her eyes she would not see his powerful , barrel-chested body as it came at her .
9 Almost always she answered ‘ yes ’ because she had come to prefer lying still , with his soft sleeping body behind her , breathing the night air scented with pine wood and wild thyme as it came to her through the open shutters , and listening to the faraway ululation of the Borzoi dog chained beneath the walls of the Castello Crocetto .
10 ‘ Of course — but unfortunately overlooked , ’ he replied straight away , and as it came to her that he must have been teasing her with his earlier attitude , he was asking , ‘ Now , can I get you a glass of wine ? ’
11 As it fell about her , she saw Benedict take a step towards her and moved quickly away .
12 It was supremely indifferent , but , even as it burned into her like acid , her fingers were plunging into the midnight darkness of his hair as she invited his kiss again , the tumult of his mouth on hers and in it already a necessity , wildness running in her veins , the heavy aching beat of desire unchecked at the deep core of her womanhood .
13 But as a child she had many times been wrested ( as it felt to her ) from her known environment into some strange place , leaving her totally confused .
14 She felt the wetness of Plummer 's semen as it trickled from her .
15 There was a click of the door as it closed behind her .
16 She heard it crash to the bottom of the stairs , and felt the floor quiver as it gained on her .
17 He listened to the thud of her feet on the stairs and the satisfying slam of the front door as it crashed behind her .
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