Example sentences of "as it [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 The Big Apple — as it likes to be known — is the symbol of the world 's greatest metropolis , New York City .
2 It is still in its infancy and not as abstract as it aspires to be . ’
3 In the absence of an express agreement , under the Civil Liability ( Contribution ) Act 1978 the court will apportion the contributions between the vendors in such a manner as it considers to be just and equitable .
4 SD ACOUSTICS IS ANOTHER IN THAT RICH crop of small British manufacturers with something interesting to say to the discerning listener who is wiling to seek out a brand that is by no means as widely distributed in the shops as it deserves to be .
5 Another avenue of enjoyable information-seeking — sadly , not as well-known and patronized as it deserves to be — is the programme of private gardens opened in aid of various charities like the Gardeners ' Benevolent Fund , from whom you can obtain a county-by-county week-by-week guide giving details of location , times of opening and points of interest .
6 ‘ If you 're going to enjoy Tivoli as it deserves to be enjoyed , I think for tonight at least we should call a truce , ’ he suggested , apparently unaware of her intense reaction to his touch , as they walked past the Pantominteatret , where a performance of the traditional Italian pantomime was taking place on the open-air stage .
7 This usually put Dad to rights but must have been pretty potent stuff as it ceased to be available after the war .
8 Virtually all of this information was routinely destroyed as soon as it ceased to be useful ( for example , once a set of negotiations had been terminated or a product discontinued ) .
9 The plan was also prepared in a different way from those drafted by the US divisions , as it had to be to give proper consideration to the problems and needs of a totally different planning environment .
10 Political will ( backed by force — as it had to be in the view of the highly ambivalent public reaction to the programme hitherto ) had come with a vengeance ( Gwatkin 1979 : 29 ) .
11 But as it had to be borne , I shook my head .
12 Naturally , as it had to be the biggest show the town had ever seen , or nothing , so Bill hired the two brightest theatrical stars of the day to bowl to Len .
13 It seems to me a matter of the highest possible importance that where a quasi-judicial function is being exercised , under such circumstances as it had to be exercised here , with the result of depriving people of their property , especially if it is done without compensation , the persons concerned should be satisfied that nothing unfair has been done in the matter , and that ex parte statements have not been heard before the decision has been given without any chance for the person concerned to refute those statements .
14 The job depended upon careful organisation as it had to be come at only a few days ' notice .
15 Then out of the blue he got a phone call asking if he was still interested in the car as it had to be sold to make space for the family .
16 ‘ Triumphant death ’ , as it came to be called by Evangelicals , was , first and foremost , a triumph with Christ over death ; in St Paul 's words , ‘ Death is swallowed up in victory . ’
17 But we have to examine his other main passion : creative drama , as it came to be called round about this time .
18 And although Gibson 's initial concern was with verbal learning , subsequent experimental investigations of ‘ stimulus pre-differentiation ’ , as it came to be called , were conducted in a range of transfer paradigms .
19 The retrievability , or recuperability ( as it came to be known ) , of the nouveau roman depended to some degree on the reader being convinced of the necessity for modernity .
20 ‘ Aerated water ’ , or soda water as it came to be called , was but one of Joseph Priestley 's many inventions .
21 It was decided to bring in Leeds-based Moss International to promote and find sponsors for the 1988 pie , ‘ pie ‘ 88 ’ as it came to be known .
22 Reading Native Races and their Rulers , one becomes aware of the extent to which Indirect Rule , as it came to be practised by Temple and presumably his fellow Residents , implied a special and refined kind of experience of power .
23 This route , the ‘ Sacred Way ’ as it came to be called , saved Verdun .
24 The police pursued this question of ‘ pop-gun or firearm ’ , as it came to be known , through a High Court which referred the matter back to the magistrate .
25 The Battle of the Belmont Stockade , or Sloop 's Bight , as it came to be known , was a defeat from which Liamuiga 's people would not recover : more than four hundred warriors were killed , among them Tiguary , their leader , shot through the bowels .
26 Without it , ‘ Stop-Go ’ , as it came to be known in the 1960s , will be with us for ever .
27 It was there my husband and I began to develop our theories , Darcian Monetarism as it came to be called : that the answer to our current economic ills is not to control inflation but to encourage it until we cease to be a money economy altogether .
28 The Iraqi " supergun " affair , as it came to be known in the UK media , first came to light on April 10 when UK customs officials in Teesside detained a consignment of steel cylinders bound for Iraq .
29 The " barbecoup " , as it came to be known from the social event which preceded it , resulted in a charge of treason against Tohian two months later .
30 The new Corpus Iuris Civilis , or Body of the Civil Law , as it came to be called by later commentators , consisted of four books .
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