Example sentences of "as she had [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 At the back of her mind , Miranda heard the ghostly voice of Buzz say , ‘ Any Latin lover can say ‘ I love you ’ , but she pushed the thought away , just as she had pushed away other silly possibilities .
2 A great looker , and he may have shown his admiration because she had ducked her dark head in mock embarrassment and given him the slowest smile as she had moved away .
3 Hari decided that her mother must be told the truth , as she had pointed out , there was nothing wrong with her mind .
4 Quite outstanding , ’ she said , as she had said before .
5 Her grandfather 's anger at her late return from Bristol — especially as she had gone there with Marshall — had been explosive .
6 She was only half-committed to the new idea herself , not nearly as sure about it as she had made out to Nails — heaven knows how they would fit in all that training , teaching three boys to ride !
7 Somehow his mother could shut out the unpleasant from her mind as if it had never existed and she had shut out the Worm as successfully as she had shut out everything else .
8 Emily Davison planned a public show of militancy by tying a WSPU flag to the king 's Derby horse , then making a speech on feminist issues in court , as she had done previously .
9 He swallowed , then , as she had done earlier , opted to find a different topic .
10 For an agonising moment Shannon felt herself losing control , overwhelmed by an urge to fly at Marianne , to assuage her own brutal torment by lashing out as she had done long ago in the school playground , when the jeers and mockery became too much to bear .
11 She paused , imagining the scene in her mind 's eye as she had done so many times before , trying to picture her mother as a young girl , still in the fresh-faced bloom of youth .
12 Hardly knowing why , she knelt beside him and put her hand on his sleeve as she had done once before .
13 As soon as they had left the room , Nancy took off her shoes and crept silently up the stairs to listen in the passage — as she had done once before .
14 She sat down in a chair by a table and as she had done once in Michael Swinton 's kitchen , put her head down on her folded arms and burst into tears of passionate gratitude .
15 Disappointed , her confidence evaporating , she tried turning the question round as she had done before : ‘ If you do n't want us to drive back in it , wiggle your finger . ’
16 She began to move through the house as she had done before , opening doors , now trying to force doors which would not open .
17 She sat , simply and naturally as she had done before .
18 Now , as from the times of childhood , she rode Fenna , seated in the deep hollow of the meeting place of scaled neck , veined wing and rising battlement of spine ; a throne protected from the great gale of his flight , as safe as the rocky cradle secures the foetal child , leaning back towards the bumpy spine as she had leant before , she gave herself over to their journey .
19 For a moment , as she had stood there , Davide noted how she truly recalled the virgin martyrs he had dreamed of , with her Easter cake as emblem , like the twin mound of her breasts St Agatha bears on a dish in heaven .
20 She imagined he was going to make a move towards her , but what he did was to hitch the child closer to him until his face was almost pressed against his own and then he smiled a smile that widened his full lips but , as she had seen before , did not separate his teeth .
21 She knew that the fussy , frilly bridal gown did not suit her but had accepted it , as she had accepted so much else in her life , for her mother 's sake .
22 It was as she had expected deep down .
23 ‘ I 'm not little , ’ Ellie protested lightly , as she had protested very many times before .
24 She 'd called him Sage , and she only stayed at my house for a few minutes as she had to get right back to see her new baby — the owl , of course .
25 He had never forgotten the outraged eloquence of the frustrated lady as she had hitched up her pants and departed towards the town .
26 Her mind flew back to the moment last evening when Benedict had come at her out of the shadows of the hall as she had come downstairs with Lady Merchiston 's empty supper tray .
27 That , she thought , was as good an idea as any , and on silent feet she went as swiftly as she had come back to her kitchen .
28 She was always there , and she would tell , as she had told so often before , the remarkable story of her Jimmy , who 'd been posted as dead last December and who , six months later , had simply walked into the house , bold as you please , and asked for a cup of tea .
29 As soon as she had forced down the last of her food , she pushed her plate away and stood up .
30 She 'd fully intended to call the insurance company yesterday afternoon , as soon as she had got home .
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