Example sentences of "as she look [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's all right , ’ although , as she looked through the crack it did not seem all right at all ; in fact it seemed all wrong .
2 Jenny told herself , as she looked through the fine big annual .
3 Venice was unique , unforgettable , breathtaking in all its various moods , Luce thought as she looked over the calm water to the pale marble buildings lining the banks .
4 ‘ Delicious , ’ Clare said feebly as she looked into the smiling face and aquamarine eyes of her son .
5 As she looked at the vast and busy canvas , Miss Hatherby sensed she was finding it difficult to take in and said , ‘ You know Constance , you can not look at a painting with the same eyes as you stare down Chollerton High Street .
6 As she looked at the tiny bundle she said drily : ‘ Thank goodness he has n't got ears like his father . ’
7 Lucy , all this time , was still sitting on the verandah surrounded by her cartridge-making tools and weeping bitterly as she looked at the neat rows of cartridges she had made and which were no longer needed .
8 Anne Hopper winced as she looked at the remains of the bullock lying on the large wooden worktop in the prison kitchen .
9 For both occasions she had worn the same hat — an uncompromising chenille turban ; Helen had disposed of it a month ago with the rest of her things and , as she looked at the photographs , felt again the curious dry but slimy touch of it .
10 And her eyes too shone as she looked at the two men sitting there .
11 Jessamy allowed her voice to become deliberately sympathetic as she looked at the older woman .
12 ‘ I do n't know if it will do any good , ’ she said as she looked at the medicine , ‘ but it might .
13 All the women exclaimed at the sight of the red , pink and white azaleas massed on the steps , but each thought privately that only she could appreciate the true beauty and significance of the flowers — Sophia feeling that here was the essence of the Italy she knew and loved , Penelope experiencing a lift of the heart as if the flowers held a promise of future romantic adventures , Ianthe knowing as she looked at the flower what she had only suspected before — that she was in love with John .
14 Clearly he had not been content to wait , and as she looked at the hard , handsome face she knew he was furiously angry , only good manners holding back the words that were obviously uppermost in his mind .
15 As she looked at the soft golden panelling , more of which emerged every day , the pleasure of her victory washed over Sara anew .
16 ‘ It 's lovely up here , ’ said Bobbie , as she looked across the fields .
17 Omi sighed contentedly as she looked around the room which had a fair smattering of elderly ladies , like herself having a Sunday morning treat .
18 A young ‘ chic ’ girl placed herself in his empty place , fixing her eye liner in the fake sun light of the train , sighed as she looked around the carriage and then smiled to herself , there was obviously no competition so she failed to add an extra layer of lip-stick .
19 So long as she looked after the child , she would be entitled to £1 a week .
20 What a difference , though , Jane thought , as she looked round the room .
21 As she looked round the rather cheerless room Linda stopped feeling quite so harassed .
22 As she looked in the doorway she noticed a man standing there .
23 The conversation was dying all around her as she looked in the direction that had been indicated .
24 The tears are thought to be caused by her pain as she looks at the sins of the world , and are meant to inspire the watchers to repent and to set an example to others .
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