Example sentences of "as she [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There was a scrape as she brought a taper forth from a tin box and leaned towards the fire to light it .
2 But I guess as soon as she gets a job , she 'll be leaving to be married . "
3 She shook her head , still trembling as she pressed a hand to her mouth .
4 ‘ Thank you , miss , I 'm sure , ’ he said , as she unearthed a pile of the fearsome periodicals beloved by the lamented Mrs Dibdin .
5 As she spent a night at his cotside in London 's Great Ormond Street Hospital , 40-year-old Andreas phoned .
6 She managed to cook again , and her depression eased as she achieved a measure of independence and joined in the family 's social activities once more .
7 ‘ Politicians have n't done a lot for me , ’ she said as she shared a burger with her three-year-old daughter Joanna .
8 He raised a cool eyebrow at Virginia as she spooned a strawberry into her mouth .
9 There was an odd lump in her throat , thinking of Mrs Rundle thinking of her and Jonathon and Victoria as she stirred a Christmas pudding or chopped fruit for mincemeat in her new home .
10 ‘ Knew it would help , ’ said Iris with an air of satisfaction as she heaved a sofa back into place .
11 The only reality of the event had been her mother 's reaction , which was silent , grim , and grudging to the last ; not a tear did she shed , and after the funeral , as she turned away from the graveside and started to walk slowly through the cemetery mud she set her mouth in that prophetic way , and straightened her thick body , and then , as she passed a gravestone announcing that death is but a separation , she opened her mouth and said , " Well , he 's gone , and I ca n't say I 'm sorry . "
12 Maria 's heart clenched as she slanted a look at his grim countenance .
13 Her pale , oval face framed with raven-dark hair and her slender , high-breasted figure betrayed the Louisiana French blood in her veins , and the officer smiled directly into her eyes as she lifted a glass of fresh lime juice and glace pilee from his tray with a white-gloved hand .
14 She drew a breath as he offered her the platter of bread , and her fingers shook as she lifted a slice from among the pile .
15 This was only natural as she had a reputation for secrecy .
16 She finished her supper of pork and sauerkraut then , as she had a coffee , Herr Nordern joined her and the family and had coffee himself .
17 She is ranked sufficiently highly to have gone straight into the main draw , but made it clear that the Games were inconvenient for her schedule this years , as she had a lot of points to defend in tournaments .
18 bursting out of a cling-film top as she accepted a Variety Club award .
19 Jay never went to conferences , but as she accepted a lift with Lucy , he smiled with open pleasure .
20 Harry poured her a drink and noticed that her hand was shaking as she accepted a light for her cigarette .
21 ‘ Does she ask who it is first or does she just use it as soon as she hears a man 's voice ? ’
22 In the video ‘ Perfect X ’ K Dieroff balances precariously between ideals of beauty and self-mutilation as she takes a knife to her nose accompanied by a barrage of adjectives distilled from women 's magazines .
23 She eyed him askance as she buttered a slice of toast .
24 He can do this by guiding her with a strongly held forearm or firm hand clasp as she sustains a pose .
25 Not surprisingly , as with her tennis , she relied more on accuracy , control and skill than power , as she reached a handicap of +2 and won honours first for Surrey and then for her beloved Scotland .
26 A woman click-clacked past , her high heels dragging along as she carried a pile of heavy papers into a side-office .
27 After less than an hour , he deliberately nudged her as she carried a pile of plates .
28 He watched her thoughtfully as she ate a biscuit .
29 ‘ Today is Thursday ’ Miss Matthews gave Melissa a sidelong glance as she inserted a key in the lock of Mrs Rogers ' front door .
30 And he led the way to the jeep , waving to the people in the café , and pausing to chat to Maria as she served a tray full of beer , and to Abuelo as his granddaughter led him away by the hand .
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