Example sentences of "as she [vb past] [pron] up " in BNC.

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1 As she heaved herself up against the pillows she discovered she was wearing a man 's shirt , extra-large and striped , and she 'd never seen that before , either .
2 Polly caught her breath as she drew herself up .
3 He moaned , as she pulled him up , ‘ I ca n't , I ca n't , Carrie … ’
4 ‘ But not me ? ’ she asked dubiously as she held it up against her .
5 Joanna 's emerald-green dress was perfect with her auburn hair and , as she held it up against her , she said , ‘ I think I 'll slit it up the side .
6 The telephone rang , and as soon as she picked it up and heard the echo on the line from the Prince 's lofty Palace rooms , she knew who was calling .
7 Cowley took the phone from Roz Hatch as she picked it up and passed it to him , then left him to his privacy .
8 She was pulling underwear from a drawer and searching every piece as she picked it up .
9 ‘ We 're going to have to do something — because I simply ca n't tell you two imps of mischief apart , ’ Laura muttered , groaning as she levered herself up against the pillows .
10 ‘ What 's happened ? ’ she asked as she caught him up .
11 He looked round as she caught him up .
12 ‘ I 'm having a small lunch party tomorrow ! ’ she called , as she caught them up .
13 Before she could answer he pulled her close again and any thoughts of answering fled as she gave herself up to the excitement .
14 A sigh escaped her , and as she gave herself up to the pleasure of his embrace her arm rose to entwine about his neck .
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