Example sentences of "as they look [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The marketing team of the DIY company would probably discuss some of the following questions as they looked at the bar charts :
2 ‘ I 'm afraid stocks are still pathetically low , ’ Louise said as they looked at the half dozen dresses that were the only ones the assistant had in Constance 's size .
3 Huy asked him , as they looked at the rock .
4 Klift spoke for all of them as they looked around the sloping entranceway .
5 We joined some of the holidaymakers , as they looked around the garden at Little Tulsa in Cirencester .
6 I see ( and Summerchild sees ) the young provincial historian becoming even more silent and preoccupied than Summerchild himself as they look at the worn carpets and unoccupied chairs .
7 We spoke in earlier chapters of people 's search for meaning as they look for the person who has died , and saw that at such times a sortie into faith healing or clairvoyance is quite common .
8 So , many leading-edge manufacturers are searching for ways to enhance their workers ' capabilities and improve labour relations , even as they look to the new technology to cut labour costs as well . ’
9 Disraeli Gears from Tesside are rather different as they look to the energy and rawness of the Sixties rather the dull produced stomp of Nineties ' heavy rock/ metal .
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